
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Love NY


Good morning, loves! And happy mid-week to you all!  We are experiencing some incredible weather this week in NY and I couldn't be happier.  This is my most favorite time of the year in the city.  Bright blue skies, low humidity and a little bit of crispness in the air.  Nothing beats it, especially after our humid summers.

Today I just wanted to take a second to acknowledge the love I have for my wonderful city. I know I blab on and on about fantasizing about visiting other marvelous places such as I did yesterday with Paris. But, as many of you pointed out to me, {and believe me I do know, that's why I ran off to live here 23 years ago at the age of 17 and never looked back :)} I am extremely fortunate to live in what I consider to be the most amazing city in the world. 

New York is diverse and has an incredible energy that you can't really define.  It's chock full of culture, the arts & fashion. You can get anything you want at any time of the day. And above all NY is strong & resilient.  They tried to knock us down but the city and the people came back bigger and better than ever. 

Yesterday on my way to work, the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, they made an announcement on the bus that all MTA buses would be observing a moment of silence at 8:46am.  All buses would stop at the curbside for 1 minute to remember the lives of those lost on that horrific day.  As tears welled up in my eyes as well as my fellow passengers I felt an overwelming sense of strength and pride in my city.  We will never forget but we will never let anyone keep us down.

Images: Jamie Beck


  1. I've not been in NY for so long, I love it there :) Was such a horrific day September the 11th, but we must remember to never forget and to fight for freedom here and everywhere, because all over the world every day people are fighting for their freedom and we have to continue to stand up against those who try to deny us this!! So many lost that day...but never to be forgotten!! xox

  2. Wonderful post, Dawn! You are a proud New Yorker and I think this strength is a quality of the American people and everyone else has something to learn from this.

  3. What a beautiful way to pay your respect to the past but celebrate the beauty of your city. The MTA minute of silence sounded so touching xoxox

  4. I have not been to NEW YORK, but I admire the love and dedication of its people and the diversity it consist is one of the reasons I will love to live there someday.
    I love the way you show your respect to those that lost their life eleven years ago, I was watching a documentary yesterday of those who witnessed it because there were working in those two building but survived, I cried and I always pray every year for the family of those lost and the city as a whole to heal and multiple.
    So wonderful of you for doing this post.
    Take care and kisses from Greece.

  5. It's been so long I was in New York, I really, really want to go back. I absolutely believe nothing compares in liveliness and inspiration... I'm sure pretty much nothing can get New York and New Yorkers down. xoxo

  6. So touching Dawn.. I can't imagine how horrific it must have been to actually witness the 9/11 event. I'm glad there are tributes .. as a reminder of something no one can forget.

    {on a side note.. it was my birthday yesterday.. crazy day to have a birthday right? I have two brothers and we were all born on the same day.. different years! Yep that's right! .. must have been a New Years Eve thing with my folks!}


  7. Such a beautiful tribute. NYC is the best city and I love hearing your pride for it because it's well deserved.

  8. i too love new york, for all the reasons you described and my thoughts were with everyone who was affected eleven years. wow, how time flies -- i cannot believe it was eleven years ago. i remember that day like it was yesterday! xx

  9. Yesterday was an emotional day. When I finally got back to Hoboken on September 11, 57 of my neighbors were not so lucky. & that is just a tiny fraction of those we lost. We must never forget!

  10. I can't imagine what an emotional day yesterday must have been for you. But I know you love the amazing city you live in!

  11. A moment of prayer and silence
    is a good gesture and respect to those that perished in vain that fateful day. Not only New Yorkers and Americans grieve on that tragedy.

    Nice post.

  12. It was a great gesture, indeed, for all the buses to stop and have a silent moment, dear Dawn! And yes, New York is an amazing city, I almost visited it, but the hurricane stopped me to take the plane from Houston! Well, another time :* Have a lovely evening!

  13. Well said! I love everything about NY and am proud to call it my city.

  14. I love that the buses did that!! And I love reading this post. Hearing your love for your city is really quite magical. NY is truly a unique place.

  15. That is so wonderful and touching that the buses did that yesterday...and yes, there's no place like NYC!!!

  16. Oh so glad you are having great weather out there - I have never experienced NYC in fall, but it always seems like it would be fabulous!
    Much love,

  17. I'm so jealous you live in NYC. It's always been a dream of mine to live there.
    That is so cool the buses stopped for 1 min to observe the tragedy that was 9/11. God bless the USA!

  18. So jealous that you;'re in New York! LOVE IT!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  19. you're so lucky to live in NY! What an amazing feeling to have been there to observe the moment of silence.

  20. That must have been an incredibly emotional moment. I've always dazzled at NYC with wide eyes... So much culture and excitement!


  21. Beautifully written, Dawn! And what an emotional tribue. We are strong and nothing can keep us down. But we will never forget. NYC is an amazing place to live. The energy is like no other. I live just out side of Boston. It is wonderful, but nothing beats New York. Love your city! : )

    Danielle xo

  22. This blog post actually gave me shivers just now. I am reminded of those monstrous events every time I watch my husband put on his uniform and leave for work. These photos capture the spirit of New York so well, a city that has had it's fair share of horrors just still somehow shines through.

    xx Jenee C.

  23. Wow, that's a very powerful image Dawn, sounds incredible actually.

    I do love NYC also, you're so lucky to live there!! Enjoy the sunny autumn days!

  24. Hello Dawn, your post is so impressive - I'm follow your blog!

    Greetings from Switzerland:-)


  25. new york is beautiful. i am hoping to visit in november!!

    ps i love that little moment of silence observed by the mta. it's always good to remember.
