Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cuddled Up All Nice & Cozy

Good morning, lovelies! Thursday at last! Today's the kind of day that I just want to stay cuddled up indoors. Not supposed to be the best weather unfortunately. I'd love to throw on some big comfy, cozy sweater and curl right back in bed. Don't you just love days like that?

Hope you all have a fabulous day and good news....tomorrow's Friday!


Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

same here Dawn, i was just thinking about it!! Just 2 days to go!! xoxo

Aprendeconvale said...

Thank´s God tomorrow is Friday! Many plans and as usual less time:-)) Adore those cozy sweaters and if possible of cashmere!!! Wish you a nice day ,too!!

Anonymous said...

It is soo cold over here now, I definitely need a cozy jumper to keep me warm!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics! Not the best weather here either :(
Despite that I wish you a wonderful day!!!

Times Like Mine

Collette Osuna said...

Hi Dawn...Id soooo love to do the same exact thing...its freezing...and the cold and I? dont get along, lol

little luxury list said...

Yay makes me feel warm and fuzzy!

Unknown said...

Dawn, it's freeeeezing here! Definitely a stay in bed if you can, sort of day as well.
Hope you have a great day!!

looove the new layout of your blog!

Diana Mieczan said...

Ohhh Its so cold here too and a cozy jumper and long scaft would totally warm me up:)...I love that top image,sweetie

Hugs and kisses
Its Thursday already:) yay!

Anonymous said...

A sweater and curling up in bed sounds unbelievably amazing. But it is almost Friday - yay!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I have been feeling like that every day lately! PMS? Rut? Lack of exercise? I love your new blog layout!! xo

Anonymous said...

It's cold and raining here.... it makes me want to wear that big comfy sweater, jump into that beautiful bed and read a book! unfortunately, I have to rush around as I have a million things to do .... in this rain!


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Unknown said...

i sure DO - and i think this weekend it suppose to be CHILLY - sorta' excited for that!!!

Piper Larson said...

A big cuddly sweater sounds (and looks) so good right now. I think I need to go find one - it's a chilly morning. Beautiful images!
XO Piper

Flavia @ Estilo Home said...

I'm feeling the same way today, thanks to the rain. I wish I didn't have to be at work all day...

###### said...

what a beautiful blog you have! wow....

Marie-Ève said...

Oh, I really wish I was wearing that big soft sweater... And spending the day in such a beautiful bed.

Ashley Hasty said...

Lovely! Especially that first sweater!

k said...

there is something about pretty white flowers in a mason jar that i love :)

Nikki said...

Dawn, these pics make me want to climb back into bed!! So cozy and pretty!!!
Have a great Thursday love!


Julie Leah said...

Good morning, Dawn!!

My oh my, what a gorgeous blog redo you have here!! Miss Shari did you proud, darlin'! I love everything she did! It's perfect for you!

These images are perfect, as well. I love the one you threw in of the white pumpkins! Those cozy sweaters make me want to crawl right back into bed on this dreary day :)

Happy Thursday, sweet lady!!


and flowers pick themselves said...

i too would love to curl back up in bed. sounds pretty fabulous :)

LOVE the new look, by the way!

xo Alison

Jude said...

I'd love to dive straight into that heavenly bed, snuggle under those heavenly knits, and focus on the fact it's Friday tomorrow! :) Happy cozy Thursday to you too!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

oh yes! im the same way. im still in my PJs and its nearly 11am. partly 'cause i thought it was going to rain today - but now it looks sunny out. either way, cozy mornings are the best!!

coolkids said...

It was cold this morning! I could of used one of those cozy sweaters.:)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Yes I agree! It was 40 degrees this morning...brrr!!

Lovely new blog design:)

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

I got a late start this morning because I did climb right back into bed! lol

Alleen said...

I love that I work from home when the weather is like it is today (rainy in DC). And I still haven't, at almost noon, changed out of my cozy sweats.

Thanks for posting! I don't feel so lazy anymore :) More like, deserving of a day to stay cozy.


SabinePsynopsis said...

I feel exactly like this - having a cold makes me want to cuddle up even more. Can hear the warm water bottle and the book calling me... xoxo

honey my heart said...

the weather here also calls for cuddling up :) happy thursday.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I want to feel this cozy!

It's almost the weekend, yay!

Nell said...

These pictures look so warm and comforting in the cold weather. Love that first one especially. Happy Friday for tomorrow, yey!! xx

Gorgeous Glam said...

Hi doll, I really like the changes on your blog it looks great! I love the sweater in the 1st pic, so sexy! xoxo

Isabel said...

i love these photos...i want to be the girl in the first photo lol

Valerie said...

Yes! This is exactly the kind of day I want to be having. It was dark and gloomy when I left my house this morning and I wanted to go back to bed. So happy tomorrow is friday!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Dawn,

It is Friday here and I just want to wish you a happy weekend. Hope that you can get some time to curl up and relax. Love all the beautiful photos you have shared.


Jessie said...

Tomorrow is going to be like that here... lots of rain, too bad i have to work :(


Meghan said...

I totally wish I was able to do the same thing today! I am hoping to wear lots of big sweaters this weekend!

Sarah said...

THose days are too few and far between. Sometimes I pretend like it's cold out and just turn the air conditioning up really high. That counts, I think.

ag. said...

I wish I was cuddled up in that sweater right now...that's what I felt like all day.

stylenuggets said...

I sweater like that is perfect to curl up in and read a book!

The Backseat Stylers said...

Oh I love those photos. Sweaters are what make Fall fun!

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I can't wait to feel all warm and cozy...but it continues to be around 100 instead I am hot and sweltering!
I love the white pumpkins :)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Roxy Te said...

This post makes me want to put on an over-sized sweater and leggings, throw my hair up in a messy bun, and snuggle under loads of pillows and quilts!

Pamela said...

beautiful pictures!!!

Sarah Klassen said...

I certainly do! I love the extra blankets and warmth of this time of year... lovely pictures, Dawn :)


Samantha said...

So snuggly and bright looking.

Nice to find your blog by way of Little Blue Deer

Lizzie [Ten Thou Bride] said...

those days are my favorite..glad i stumbled upon (not literally through the site...but through an equally awesome site) your blog today.

debra@dustjacket said...

Awh how cute is # 1 pic.

Oh, My Darling said...

Ooh, that first picture makes me so excited to bring out the knit sweaters.