Happy Thursday, lovelies! I don't know about you all but I'm already feeling deprived of daylight. Between the shorter days and the autumn skies, this girl isn't getting enough Vitamin D and I need it. Desperately!
Can't wait for vacation in a few weeks. I should be in for a lot of sunshine then but until then I'll just dream of those warm rays beating down on my skin.
Hope you all have a lovely day! Good news, Friday's just around the corner :)
Images: 1, 2, 3 All images edited by The Alternative Wife
Ciao Dawn! Hope you are fine. This interior is gorgeous!
I have the feeling that you get often holidays...:-))). Oh, lucky you. Enjoy your days off! Xxx
That bottle of perfume with a flower is just the most gorgeous thing! I hope you catch some sunbeams today Dawn--I know what you mean, it's gotten suddenly cloudy around here this week, especially near the beach and I'm kind of sad that I'm going to have to pull all my patio furniture in this weekend.
xo Mary Jo
Sun is lacking, vacation sounds great! Enjoy your Thursday! xoxo
beautiful pics, they all have the same vibe! :)
Cmon Friday...I know how you feel...and just think, daylight savings very soon:(
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That chaise! That screen! GORGEOUS!!! I get vitamin D deficient in the winter too. I will have to tell you my silly story someday about the seasonal light I got to ward off winter blues.... too embarrassing to tell in a comment! xo
I know what you mean..I feel the drain from the sun coming less. I just hope this winter comes and goes as fast as summer did!! Keep smiling, we'll get through it ;) xox
So true...leaving home in the dark & coming home in the dark it seems~
Summer went by too quickly!
what a fantastic post title, as I look out the window into pitch black and rain :( Glad to hear you're escaping the uncoming winter for a bit! where are you heading?
Terrible weather here too, does this place not understand that it's Spring and we're going into Summer! argh! Friday tomorrow yippie!
Oh yes, I know exactly how you feel. The 'Autumn/Winter gloom' is wrapping me in a veil of tiredness too. I am particularly affected this year as it is the first 'dark season' we have here in Sweden. Sydney Winters are gloomy too but not in this compact Scandinavian way.. Winter and snow can't come soon enough really..
xx Charlotta
Tell me about it! I need sunshine in my life! I go into hibernation mode in the winter! When winter comes along need the feeling of sunshine in a pill! :)
- Elle @ Barefoot And Beautiful
Even the Caribbean is having terrible weather these days....and though its so warm, the sun is hardly to be found.
Hope you are feeling better.
smile loads
You always have the best post titles! Vacation in a warm place sounds great right about now!! Have an awesome day!
A sunny vacation sounds perfect right about now! My sunny vacation isnt until Christmas, warm fires will have to suffice until then!
yes, friday is almost here!!! i cannot wait for it 'cause i'm going to see my fiance in GA!
p.s. hope you are feeling better today!
Summer definitely went by very quickly.. hope you are feeling a tad better...
These are really cute photos, especially the vintage bedroom. :)
Is it bad that I'm totally relieved to have less sunshine??? I'm such a grinch!!! (c: Vacation? Where are you headed to, darlin'??? Sounds fantastic, wherever it is!
The sun is shining so wonderfully over here but I have to stay inside with my sick boy. In about 15 minutes it'll be five o'clock and then I have an excuse to have a glass of red ... that should make up for staying inside all day ;-)
Hope you're getting better!
Awww there's nothing like daylight... truly brightens your day! :) Where's your vacation? I hope it's a long one! Happy almost Friday! xo
WHere are you going?! Come over here- we've only had pure sunshine since last year. No joke. We're all asking where the rain is!
We've had a beautiful autumn day today. I'm really enjoying this autumn, but I'm beginning to feel the less sun light. Ah, vacation! Lucky girl! Until then I hope you're having a wonderful day! :)
Ugh...I do love fall...but miss the sunshine too. I was freezing last night in bed. Didn't help that Mila was screeching at 1.00am, so when she finally went to sleep again, I couldn't get to sleep. Sigh. I just want to curl up and nap in the sun today.
Love that chaise! The vacation will come soon enough!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
i'm looking forward to friday (evening) sooooo much ♥
The third picture is a girly dream, escape there after hard day and u'll fell better in five minutes!:)
Jelena (glamfabchameleon.blogspot.com)
I completely agree with you darlin. I actually have to take Vitamin D tablets bc my count is too low. How about we move to Miami for the winter??!
its been raining so much its depressing. its making me miss korea. it would be sunny and id be wearing flip flops. haha. i gotta keep dreaming!
What wonderful pinks, would love to be reclining on those chaises
i hadn't seen the editorial of Yasmin Le Bon from October's L'Officiel! it's great and so much like the night porter!
thank you very much for telling me, i'm updating the post and adding it! :)
I am with you on needing the sunlight! So, I snuck out of the office early today to soak a little Vitamin D up!
Much love,
I hear ya, I can't wait for our little adventure to a very sunny spot next week! But I always compare Philly to Sweden and then I remember that it's so much more light, much warmer than over there!
Elsa at Styleabaad
Living in the southern Hemisphere I've been feeling just the opposite! I've been soaking up the sun that I've missed the past 6 months!
Enjoy your vacation!
I love the pretty dressing room! Know how you feel about vitamin d - it has been gloomy here too and the sunshine always makes me happy! Xx
We have the time change to look forward to :(
i love that daybed/chaise lounge! i wish i could take a vacation soon, but unfortunately i can't travel being soo pregnant!!
i need sunshine too! luckily it's been sunny and warm the last couple of days :)
i love fall, but hate the short days and lack of sunlight!
happy almost friday! ;)
hi dawn! oh know, you're already thinking about warm weather!? haha! ;) i know, it actually does sound quite nice if you ask me! hope you're having a great one and i love these photos as always!!
xx ~ ks
The excellent and lovely work.
The season of colored leaves, heartwarming atmosphere
The prayer for all peace.
from Japan, ruma ❀
Dark and COLD.
This beautiful post reminds me just how much I love and adore Chanel No.5.
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