Good morning, lovelies! And welcome to a brand new week! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was great. Got a lot accomplished and yesterday we went on a foliage drive upstate. The foliage wasn't peak yet but it was pretty nonetheless.
Also we attempted to go pumpkin picking but, as I mentioned earlier, there is a pumpkin shortage this year, and the farm we went to seems to have been affected by the hurricane back in August. Oh well, guess I'll just be picking mine up from the storm this year. I tried....
So onto the next. A little pumpkin shortage isn't going to bring me down. I'm in a fabulous mood this morning and I'm starting this week off on the right foot. I started a new way of eating last week, vegan & gluten-free, and as of now, I'm feeling great and ready to take on whatever is thrown my way. One thing I haven't given up is my morning cup of coffee. Every girl has to have at least one vice, right? And besides coffee is good for you :)
Hope your week gets off to a fabulous start!
Images: 1, 2, 3 All images edited by The Alternative Wife
Good luck with the new food choices, Dawn. I too had a great weekend, and that always makes Monday better, doesn't it?
I spent the weekend celebrating my brother's birthday. And this morning, I finally started work on my handmade accessories collection.
Hope you have a great week ahead.
happy week,darling! lovely shoes! xooo
Happy new week, Dawn and I agree you can't start a day without a cup of coffee to get you going.
Hope that you have a fabulous week
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Amazing about the pumpkin shortage, have heard so much about it. I am so interested to hear more about your diet, was this an impulsive thing or had you been considering this for a long time? Do you feel a marked difference in your energy level? I am curious because someone I know who moved away to Spain did that a few years ago and within a few months she said she felt like a new defenitely intrigued me!!
Enjoy your day.
Hey there girlie!!! Im a vegetarian....this March will be two years...Ive never felt better!! You will love it!!
Statements in Fashion: A Funky Little Fashion Blog
Happy Monday doll!! I hope you have a great one..and find yourself a pumpkin!! I used to be a vegetarian before I had my daughters, but I always think of going back to it, always feel better :) xx
Don't you love those days when everything goes just right? Glad to hear your week is off to a brilliant start. The new diet sounds great; I'm doing something similar and trying to stick to organic and non-processed food - a change in diet definitely makes you feel a whole lot brighter! xx
Such a good attitude to read about first thing on Monday. I want to hear more about this big diet change...I am not even sure about the pros of going gluten free. xo
Good morning to you! The new diet sounds fab! I have so much respect for you doing it too! It takes stamina! Glad your still having your coffee!
Beautiful pictures, I would love to live in N.Y...
Glad you had a lovely weekend, have a lovely week!
Girl About Town XxX
Coffee is a must for me too:) Have a wonderful start to the week, sunshine.
You attitude in infectious! Thx for the Monday boost. Enjoying my first cup of coffee as I read this...mmmmm
What an upbeat post Dawn! Have a lovely week, glad you are feeling so happy on a Monday! xo
My daily cup of coffee is my vice too. :) It adds a little something to your day, right? Have a wonderful new week, Dawn! xoxo
Good Luck with the new choices! :) I am rooting for you.
Hope you have a great week ahead!
♡ from ©
looks like you are off to a fabulous start of the week. Like your new diet and love the cup of coffee even better!
How inspiring,I'm considering changing eating habits as well: I have started with the morning coffee (and juice it up), but allow myself to have a cup at least twice a week haha. Have great week xoxo
Definitely agree with the coffee -- having my cup right now! :)
I swear coffee makes you do things quicker! I've had far too much already! But have accomplished a lot too!
Wishing you a wonderful week beautiful!
Driving up to see the leaves sounds heavenly! Glad you had a good weekend
Sounds delightful and wonderful.
The images are great. Makes me want to fly to NYC today.
Have an absolutely loving and laughter filled week.
I finally got some pumpkins as well!
p.s: truly need my caffeine fix too, especially on a Monday morning!
Save a pumpkin for the kiddo's (at least that's what I tell myself bc I don't need one, even though I want one HA!) And girl how are you eating like that - I want to go veggie but I can't give up the occasional steak...Although we are tonning down the meat consumption - I am not that strong!
Gluten free is the way to be! Your body will feel amazing! Happy Monday to you!
Happy Monday! This is happening in Southern Maryland too! We went pumpkin picking and the patch wasn't very pretty ;( They said Irene had them under 16 inches of water!
I can never give up coffee too ;)
Wish I could send some pumpkins your way! I got to go stargazing too.
sorry about the pumpkin shortage :) glad you're feeling great this Monday ! Enjoy your coffee
Sounds like a beautiful weekend, Dawn! I've been enjoying fall too ... such a gorgeous time of the year and always feels like a fresh start (must go back to when we started school in the fall) ... perfect time for a fresh start in a diet and you've really made some changes! So glad you're feeling fab and best of luck with the new way of eating .. I agree, give up coffee ... uhhh, no. ;) Kisses ~
Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
This Week: Aimee's Grande Paris Adventure Part III "Pink Champagne Bubbles"
You always start my day off in a beautiful way!
I'm all for keeping at least one vice - and coffee is definitely mine. Ok..."one" of mine! :)
Have a fabulous week - the leaves are turning and it's going to full on red and gold soon!
xoxo Elizabeth
Your weekend sounds like a delight!
I'm happy to hear you're going Vegan! I'm a vegetarian since like forever but I enjoy eating vegan a few days per week! Coffee on the other hand is something I treat myself to in only in the weekend... But that's a though one! ;)
Have a great week!!
Elsa @ Styleabaad
this is the way all monday posts should be - i'm speaking to myself, really! and i could use that cup of coffee and those fabulous tights/boots! happy monday, dawn. :)
Itd be hard to give up the coffee :)
Good for you with your diet...I'm interested to see how it goes. I tried gluten free...but it was a challenge..especially for an Italian. Ha.
Glad you had a lovely weekend! I enjoyed mine as well - and am loving my bright red nails from it :) I cannot believe another new week is already upon us, but I think it will be a good week!
Much love,
Oh no...pumpkin shortage!!! Glad it's not getting you down though!!! Vegan...that is tough? I was vegetarian for a while but don't think I could go vegan...kudos to you!! Happy week!! :)
Sad about the pumpkin shortage! I haven't been to a patch in so long and I totally need to go soon. Love that first photo. Stunning!
Pumpkin shortage such a bummer! I feel like I've been seeing pumpkin patches all over the blog, but just not here. Definitely keep me posted on the vegan diet. Have you ever seen this blog?
my bro in law loves it and he has been vegan for several years now.
good morning dawn! YES! coffee is indeed very good for you! and yes, we all need at least one vice ~ i agree! good job on the healthy eating ~ that's my goal as well ~ it just makes such a difference when i eat well ;) love these photos as usual ~ those booties and tights are way cute!!
xoxo ~ kristina
Gasp, I am so envious that you've buckled down and are doing the diet I vowed to start months ago {ice cream got in the way}. I really am going to start it soon--which diet are you following? Happy Monday to you dear Dawn!
xo Mary Jo
Sounds great!Have a wonderful week:)
Loving all your autumn inspired posts Dawn, hope all is good with you :)
What I would give to have your positivity on a Monday morning!
have a great week !!
I do love those booties and your enthusiasm!
I just found out your blog! It's great!!!
i love your always possitive attitude... hope you're week started with a fabulously heeled right foot!
Coffee is a MUST in any diet!! :) I don't know what I'd do without my morning cup of joe!! Happy Monday to you my dear!! xoxo
Girl you have got some stellar willpower if you can do that diet! Definitely have to have at least one indulgence! (c: You don't want to start feeling deprived! (c:
Wow good for you on your new way of eating. and I agree with you on the coffee. I'm pretty sure I would wither & die without coffee.
Ahh I do love a good hazelnut latte; especially in Winter and on stressful days -The perfect excuse for a break or a gossip with girlfriends on Sundays :)
Love the brown-espue tones of all the pictures, very pretty.
pumpkin shortage?! oh no! glad your vegan/gluten free diet is going great :)
Getting healthy has seemed to affect everyone! I suppose it's a good thing altho yes, I don't think i could give up my morning coffee either. And wine. Need wine.
Have a great week!
i have to find a few little pumpkins, too! glad to know your weeks is off to a good start, so is mine :)
Oh no! I love your attitude though! Don't let it ruin your fall! xo
Happy Monday! That's such a great attitude to have, especially on a MONDAY morning!
like the shoes! have a great week!
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