So on Saturday we headed on over to Old Navy and picked up a little over 30 pairs of black flip flips in various sizes. Now the thing that I'm a little unsure about is this....Is it ok to only offer the girls flip flops or is this something that we need to provide the men with as well? Also, we didn't buy a pair for every single female attending the event. We figured we'd get a pair for half the number of women we expect to attend since not every person is going to want to change their shoes.
We're planning on leaving the flips in a basket in the women's restroom kind of as an "in case of emergency" thing.
So what do you guys think? Is it ok to not offer this to every guest? Do you think that everyone will feel entitled to a pair? Are any of you offering your guests dancing shoes?
Image: Robert Sukrachand
I think it's totally ok. We're undercounting slightly for programs as well as the favors (well there will be slightly different ones for kids).
Guys don't really care - they're there for food and drinks!
We're not doing dancing shoes but will probably switch into our own dance shoes!
It's definitely ok. We're doing only for the woman and only for about 80% of them.
This is a fantastic idea! If you're worried about the guys, get a few larger ones and put them all somewhere that the guys (and gals!)can see them.
Either way, it's a great idea - and fun, too!
You're fine. Not everyone will want a pair, and guys definitely don't need them. So sweet of you!
That's a great idea! Everyone will be comfortable enough to be dancing fools! I think its ok to not offer the guys flips - they are wearing flats and probably don't care anyway...and not all the ladies will use a pair.
I think you're fine too. It's a very sweet gesture of you and will be a relief to those who wore uncomfortable shoes!
My, what a pretty photo from Robert Sukrachand, I don't think I've ever seen flip flops look that pretty.
I think it's a fab idea - mostly cause I'm going to be SO thankful around 9 p.m. when I start cutting a rug. ;) I'm glad I know about this before I am getting there. I'm going to hijack a pair before anyone knows where the bathroom is! ;) No, but in all seriousness - it's truly a wonderful idea. :)
Oh, and don't even worry about the men. If any guy is wearing heels - they are more than welcome to a pair. But otherwise, the only pair they need to have is a pair of you know what.
I love this idea!! I think its totally fine not to have shoes for everyone, not everyone will want them, and for those who are in desperate need of shoe relief will be overflowing with their gratitude.
Men's shoes are always far too comfy and I think this is a great idea and was fully intending on doing something similar.
I really love this idea! I carry extra flat shoes to weddings normally as spending the whole day in heels kills my feet. I would sooooo use these if they were at a wedding!
I think its great...and perfect they way you're doing it.
Guys can dance just fine in their dress shoes...but 3 inch heels are a bit of a challenge!
i was going to do the same thing. but just get a few dozen pairs despite the fact that we'll have 250 guests! guys have pretty comfy shoes to begin with, so I think it's fine just to have them for the ladies. not everyone will want one so i don't think you need that many.
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