I have a feeling thing's are gonna be a little messy around these parts for the foreseeable future. And with fashion week starting tomorrow, the fashionistas are gonna have a bit of a challenge dressing for the shows. I'm gonna take a tip from these ladies who show that you can still look chic despite a little snow on the ground.

Images: via Stockholm Street Style
Man, makes me really want to get a faux fur coat = so warm and divine!
I can't believe 24 hours later, I'm sitting in a room with the A/C blasting! See you in a few weeks in NYC?
Chic, yes, but not warm (not for the first and last pictures, anyway)... Having lived in a sub-arctic climate all my life, my guess is that these ladies were actually only outside for 5 minutes, or that they had huge gas heaters nearby for the shoot! ;-)
@ Chic 'n Cheap - I want one too! but it has to be just right. some of them look horrible. i'm still on the hunt for a good one. and definitely meet up when you're back. enjoy the warmth for me!
@ Marie-Eve - haaaa you're so right! that's what the beauty editors will have to do tomorrow running from their cars into the tents at bryant park tomorrow. oh and how cool that you got engaged there! i love BP. i always thought it was a little romantic gem in the middle of NYC :)
Love the looks but I have a felling Marie Eve is totally right!!
#5 is my fave! The first one looks cold!
these ladies are so stylish in the snow and i can't even look decent when it hits mid sixties here. CA spoils me. hope that your day is going great. i'm excited to see posts from fashion week! yay.
I can't wait for winter! It's so hot here today - heat wave. So want to wear a jacket & scarf.
Oh, I wish I look that glam when drudging through the snow! I need their help. Have a great time at fashion week. We want all the deets!
Ooo it would make it hard, but that first one is so cute.
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