Friday, March 5, 2010

Fabulous Friday!

I'm so happy that it's Friday. I'm totally exhausted after a rough few weeks of work. Not only is it extremely busy at the office but I've also had to do a lot of manual labor because of the office renovation. I'm really looking forward to taking a deep breathe, kicking back and just doing whatever strikes my fancy this weekend. And good news, it's finally getting a bit warmer here!

Do you have any fun weekend plans? Hope you all have a lovely one! xoxo

Images: found here


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oh dawn I'm so looking forward to THIS weekend. I really cant wait.
Hope you have a great weekend xoxo

very married said...

well, as you know, nothing exciting is happening this weekend - except that bar prep class - blech.

BUT i'm totally pumped about the 50 degree weather everyone keeps talking about. bring it on!

Sniff said...

Plans for the weekend: I'm cleaning out my closets for spring! I'm already knee deep in garments which calls for a later blogpost under the title "What was I thinking, buying this crap?"

Connie @ SogniESorrisi said...

TGIF, indeed! I hope my weekend includes on thing--sleep!

honey my heart said...

you totally deserve a rest and relaxation. happy weekend :) i hope to see the alice movie.

little luxury list said...

Woot! I'm all about the warm weather! Ooh I'm posting about some artsy things if you're interested in doing them with your little bro!

dognbird said...

Great pics, loving the retro romance. PS the weekend was good (reading this on Monday, ha)