Happy mid week, lovelies! Hope you're all having a splendid week. It's that day of the week again that I share some of my wishes with you.
Today I'm in a bit of a French mood. It must be all the Laudurees I've been indulging in lately :) It's strange because even though I'm headed to a tropical vacation this weekend I can't stop fantasizing about taking long leisurely walks along the Seine. I remember many many years ago the first time I went to Paris I walked all the way from Le Marais to the Eiffel Tower the first day I arrived. It was so overwhelming I couldn't stop walking and taking it all in. The sheer beauty of the city...the lights, the gardens, the architecture and sculptures and the ambiance. Still to this day I don't think I've ever been to a more romantic city and I often find my mind wandering back to that magical place. Paris vous aurez toujours mon coeur!
What are you all wishing for this Wednesday?
Images: 1 & 7 via dujour, 2-6 Louise Ebel {Miss Pandora} via Unstiched
This is a lovely wish...These pictures are so pretty. I did love paris so much! We took a boat ride down the Seine :)
Hope you are getting excited for your tropical vacation though!!
I adore Paris, it's my favourite city! Just recently I thinking about Pont Alexandre III, it's got to be the most beautiful bridge in the whole world!
Oh, I so know what you mean. I think I did the same looong walk - passed Notre Dame and all the beautiful house boats. Haven't been to Paris this year (yet), but perhaps in autumn. Just imagine sitting in one of the beautiful cafés now... xxx
oh man - madly missing Paris with these images!! NEarly a year since my last trip :'(
so pretty darl, lovely.
have a fab day! jxoxo
That is a beautiful wish and you know that I love Paris too...It's truly a magical place:) We are hoping to be back there next spring for a visit with our friends:)
The images you chose are stunning:)
Have a great mid-week,darling and see you soon:)
a less hectic day! - then dinner with the bestie - then i get to play "stylist" and color her hair - haha
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
You are so right ma cherie, j'adore Paris! If I could live in any foreign city in the world, it would most certainly be Paris! I live in Troyes when I was 18 for 6 months, but it's not the same. I think I was French in a pst life, I love everything French so much!
Ofocurse you are more than welcome to any rooftop soiree chez moi! I am planing another formal sit down soon, would love to see you! :)
Definitely something super special about Paris (and France in general) - these photos make me want to jump on a jet plane this minute!
Paris love! Beautiful pictures!
Beautiful images - make me wish i was there right now! I wish for a peaceful & stress-free Wednesday!
Thanks for taking us along for a stroll. I absolutely agree with your thoughts about Paris and can't wait to return. I am really looking forward to a few nights in the city beginning to tomorrow. It is a sort of reward of sorts and I am so very much looking forward to it. Have a lovely Wednesday!
My husband literally just came into my room and said "check the flights to France" I know it will probably never happen, but maybe I will find a great last min deal!!
Oh I'm a fan of Louise, these are just adorable...wishing I was in Paris :)
I am wishing to go out and do some thrift shopping today! Haha!!! :P
I am wishing that my neighbors will be QUIET tonight so I can sleep, lol.
love her blog x
i just love stopping by your blog and being infused with a little loveliness for the day. thank you, my darling!
xo Alison
I have never been to Paris and would love to go. Climbing the Eiffel Tower is on my to do list, so someday I should make it there! Lovely photos!!
a stroll on the seine is so in order. there is just something about this week that is making it go so slowly, but i'm very happy to have a holiday weekend ahead :)
Beautifully put together post! It's perfect for today! xoxo
Oh I wish I could go, looks amazing! Love that first pic of the city! Just amazing!
some down town in a beach would be nice! i guess a trip to Paris wouldn;t be bad either :)
Hope you rae having a great day Dawn xoxo
I've never been to Paris, but I'm dying to go! And those pumps are unbelievable! Gorgeous.
Wow! I really love, love, love your photos! Beautifull outfit and blog.
Ah man this is making me miss Paris so much!! It's also been a lot on my mind lately. These photos are just beautiful! hehe it's so funny what you said about walking when you were there cause it's true: it's such a walking city. I like to think that so is new york though :)
I would love to visit France,after I learn more French.
My Wednesday wish would be to spend time with my best friend who I haven't seen in a while and who's birthday is tomorrow.
Ladurees, lucky you!
Those photos are so beautiful and dreamy...they make me wish I wish I were in France, sipping Mariage Freres tea and eating Laduree macaroons too...
gorgeous photos, love the geeky chic glasses! xoxolannie.
What a beautiful description of your first walk through Paris. Makes me want to go back right now.
XO Piper
Gorgeous pictures. Thanks for sharing them along with your wonderful description of Paris. One of these days I hope to get there with my wife. :)
Thank you for this wonderful stroll down the Seine :) All these pictures are simply BEAUTIFUL!
I seiosuly cannot look at Miss Pandora because it makes me want to move to Paris!!! Beautiful pics!!
Oh my goodness, these pictures are so incredible! I love, love, love this post! J'adore Paris et votre blog! Stop by and visit sometime!
these are so beautiful!!! love it!!
These pictures are so beautiful! I haven't been back to France in quite a while.. but these pictures perfectly captures the romance and beauty of the country.. and Paris. So lovely!
I am dreaming of the cottage today!!!! Thanks for asking! Hope you wednesday went well!
My heart melted with joy with I opened your post! That first picture is absolute fabulocity. I need it beside my other eiffel tower pic in my bathroom!
Isn't it amazing how HOT some girls look with glasses!! Hmmm... maybe I should wear mine more often :-)
We have yet to visit the city of lights but hope to soon. Your pictures are lovely. I'm looking forward to a happy fourth of july weekend with my family and that's preoccupying my thoughts today.
I don't know what I want more - the shoes or to visit Paris? lol
these are all dreamy and refreshing to see!! i just wish i can escape the stresses of life once in awhile.. :)
Animated Confessions
Gorgeous pictures!! I could stroll around Paris endlessly ~ the chocolate crepes aren't bad either! xo
I am wishing I could join you! We could walk into a number of fun shops, grab a coffee at one of the local cafes, and enjoy Paris :) Okay, I'm packing my bags!
Sigh, absolutely gorgeous images, you've got me dreaming, I'd love to be there right now!!
Those shoes are so totally dreamy. What cool photos :)
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