Happy Thursday, darlings! Hope you're all having a fabulous week. I'm so excited that today is my last day of work before the long weekend. 4 days off are headed my way!
Thinking off all of the wonderful things I will fill my extended weekend with but one of those things will definitely be heading to the greenmarket, my usual late summer into fall weekend routine. It's one of my favorite times of the week and I look forward to spontaneously menu planning for the week ahead while I'm there. I just love being inspired by all the fresh delectable goodies laid out before my eyes.
And since I'm a dreamer I always have to take things one step further. How lovely would it be to market in France? I dream of one day hitting up the gorgeous markets in beautiful Paris. Next time I go I think I'm going to rent an apartment rather than stay in a hotel so I can do my usual weekend routine there. Sounds like a plan to me :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day! xoxo
Images: 1 - Definitely Golden via Sterling Style 2-10 & 13-15 via Little Brown Pen, 11 & 12 via Sterling Style
Hi,my lovely friend Dawn:-)*
You post is SOoooooooo colourful,dreamly nice!!!
Wish that you dream absolutely come true...
I go end of september to Paris with my friends and I know,I take a LOT of photos there!!!
Oh Dawn,
How utterly beautiful, there's nothing nicer than juicy fresh market food! Carrying around big old baskets filled with yummy produce. Markets in France are stunning... but... kinda icky too in that in rural regions you get baskets of dead rabbits and chickens and all sorts! The smell can get really bad!
If you go to Paris, trying using http://www.holidaylettings.co.uk/ I've used them before and they have a good selection of apartments.
I would love to have my weekdays free in the mornings to enjoy some of these gorgeous food markets! Have a great super long weekend darling, lucky lucky you!! xoxo
Yum-I love photos of markets!
And you're right the markets in France are lovely. Definitely a great idea Dawn to rent a flat. It would be so much more fun!
A friend of mine rented an apartment near the Eiffel Tower and she was really pleased with it - it was cheaper than staying in a hotel AND much nicer, of course! Great plan!
Hi Dawn,
Wishing you a lovely long weekend, and I hope that you really enjoy your time off.
My husband and I rented an apartment in Paris and was wonderful shopping at the bakery and the fruit and vege market. I would really recommend you doing that.
Paris has the most amazing sea food and veggie markets ever!!! I so would love to be there right now:)...Yuppie to the last day of work and a lovely long weekend ahead:)
Wish you a great one and thanks so much, darling for taking part in my Giveaway:)
I love the idea of renting an apartment in Paris! You could truly dive into the markets. These images are making my tastebuds tingle :) Have a great last day of work & wonderful weekend!
I guess you are a Paris fan as most of your posts are about it :) ..I wish you a great weekend and thanks for those lovely photos of the market!
Oh, the markets in France would be absolutely glorious! Can you imagine how fabulous?!
I hope you have a wonderful long weekend, sweet lady!
I think a Paris apartment sounds wonderful! It would allow one to live more like a local! I know why my jeans are tight... I liked the pictures of the bread and cheese the best! xo
Oh, so lovely! We have been doing Atkins, and I have been eating more veggies than I ever have in my life, and I feel great! Mr. Deer is crazy for farmer's markets, me not so much, but I am learning! If I could go to the Paris ones, I would be totally sold! XX!
Love these-so inspiring! I am off tomorrow too and heading to Nantucket for the weekend but worried b/c of the storm coming in tomorrow :(
I really need this getaway to re charge and have some down time. Have a great weekend!
There is something about heading to an outdoor market and picking fresh veggies that I just love<3
xo Lynzy
How fabulous with a long weekend!
I agree with you on the local market. Love browsing the stalls dreaming about what to cook, and generally just enjoy the displays.
When I lived in France (the Loire Valley) I used to visit the local market every weekend. There were stalls from all farmers around the city and always such a buzz when everyone came together to chat and share their week. Loved it and think of it often!
xx Charlotta
there are so many things i love about my city, but the one of the things it doesn't have is a really great farmer's market. this post makes me miss san luis obispo. *sigh*.
have a lovely day!
xo Alison
Hmmmm, markets. My favourite. I am lucky enough to be heading to the Riviera for 2 weeks on Sunday and I am planing to hit every market there is. I have a time table, maps, everything I need to ensure I reach them all!
Gorgeous pics!
Im hoping it's quiet in nyc this weekend!!
Sounds like a great plan!!! :) Love the pictures as usual!
I love this post Dawn! So full of colors and everything looks perfect. Where is this fabulous market at? I need to check it out. xo
Awww, we visited such lovely markets in Italy. I miss it! Have a great long weekend!
hello dawn! wow, i'm so very sorry that i haven't had the chance to stop by at your gorgeous blog, school has been insanely busy! the markets always have such a happy, exciting atmosphere! i love that girl's bag, so cute ♥
Oh my gosh so beautiful, I want to go!
These are the kind of markets that I love!! They sure beat the big box grocery stores, don't they??
I love French markets, the beautiful wares and knowledgeable buyers - all topped by having a coffee on the village square, watching all the action. Wishing you a wonderful, long weekend. xo
Oh the vibrant colors and beautiful produce, I can almost smell it.
I adore the market.....Happy shopping.
Dear Dawn, have a wonderful weekend!!!! 'Delicious' post!
:) Kristin
Everything about this is gorgeous and inspiring!
happy thursday, we are so close to the weekend :)
Have a fab weekend Dawn! Today is my last day at work too. :)
I looove markets and those pics are to die for, have a great time.
i love markets... i think i mentioned before but here in Miami people somehow love their supermarkets and farmer's markets are not that popular... have fun and enjoy the long weekend!
Renting apartments is definitely the way to go when traveling.. you can make the vacation so much more authentic!
I love going to the farmers market. fresh produce, yummy homemade pastries and such a treat for the eyes, so much color.
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