Monday, November 29, 2010

{Guest Post} Brown Eyed Belle

(Image via we heart it)

Rise and shine, sweeties! It's time to start another week after, I'm certain, we've all stuffed ourselves to the brim with far too much turkey, dressing, and dessert. Dessert is always my favorite.
Hello, everyone! I'm Julie, author of Brown Eyed Belle- a little place that's dedicated to my love for beautiful, charming, and fun things with a drop of southern sass thrown in for good measure. This gorgeous blog of Dawn's brings me daily inspiration with her incredible eye for detail and her ability to capture a mood in only a few photos. I'm sure I speak for all of you when I say, Dawn is a one-of-a-kind lady. I feel so blessed that our paths have crossed, ladycakes!
Since we don't have our lady's amazing post to help us kick the yawns this morning, I'm going to try extra hard to make this wake-up call just what you need on this Monday by sharing a few gorgeous images that inspire me and just so happen to be things that Dawn and I both love....

(Image via)
We both adore finding beauty in unexpected places....

(Image via)
Fashions that are original and fabulous....

Lovely pops of color when you're feeling blue....

A crisp, new magazine....

The twinkling lights of New York City....

(Image via)
Lovely getaways and holidays to fun destinations....

(Image via)
Photographs that speak from the heart....

Priceless times with girlfriends....

Dinners and drinks with charming conversation.....

Sharing beauty and inspiration with all of you lovely people....

Thank you so much for stopping by today, loves! I do hope I've given you a pick-me-up on this otherwise mundane Monday morning!
Dawn, thank you over and over for letting me guest post for you! I've enjoyed every minute of it!
Love & Hugs Always,


Signe said...

Great guest post and so in line with what is usually on here :)
And a happy Monday to both of you!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Very beautiful post Julie!!! Have a great week lovely ladies! xoxo

Unknown said...

I love ALL these images. Very inspiring!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh beautiful post Julie, I just adore picture cute!
xoxoxo DJ

Collette Osuna said...

HI Julie.....fabulous post....nice to meet you:)

Stop by and say Hello:)
Statements in Fashion Blog♥

Aprendeconvale said...

Lovely post! Guess what? I spent my honeymoon at The Amalfitan Coast ( Positano) and one of those pictures was shot there!!!!!!! Kisses

jemina said...

I LOVE all of the pictures, AMAZING!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome guest post, Julie, and so perfect for Dawn's blog! xo

*** said...

Whata abeautiful list, Julie.

Have a great Monday!

Jude said...

What a beautiful post and a lovely pick-me-up for Monday! Thank you, Julie - these images are gorgeous! :)

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Very beautiful post!
Have a great Monday!!

Connie @ Sogni e Sorrisi said...

What gorgeous images and a wonderful post! Happy Monday!

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

thanks for the pick-me up. great images!!
happy monday, friend!!

Unknown said...

Fabulous guest post and just the kind of inspiration I love to see on Dawn's blog- the Paris picture of the two girlfriends is so lovely. Thanks for a great start to the week! xo

Elena said...

hi, i realy love your blog. Lovely pics!! xoxo

Audrey Allure said...

Great guest post! I love all of these stunning images :)

Tiffany Kadani said...

Oh Julie, I think you and I could be very good friends. Great post and so inspiring!

Lila said...

The animal print dress is amazing and I love the suitcase photo. Great pick me up Monday photos.

NANCYXO said...

you always have such pretty pictures on your blog! love it!


Tanvi said...

Enjoyed this Guest Post! :)

Annie said...

Great post Julie! So fitting for this blog :)
Hope you and Dawn both had a wonderful Thanksgiving! xo

Design Elements said...

wonderful post, Julie! Have a dream week

Anna @ IHOD said...

Julie finds the most amazing photos. This was a happy burst to my Monday!
Thanks ladies!

Anonymous said...

Great guest post, perfect for Dawn's beautiful blog! Love the last photo, I wish I could look so chic when I travel :-)

k said...

such great pictures, i love them!!

Gorgeous Glam said...

I need that Jewelry case! so glam ;)

Julie Leah said...

I couldn't have asked for a more lovely place to guest post :) Thank you, Dawn and thank you to these amazing readers who have left me comments today! I am completely flattered by all the kind words!

I hope you have a wonderful trip, darling girl!!


The Simply Luxurious Life said...

Julie, beautiful post - perfect for a fantastic start to Monday!

Daily Cup of Couture said...

Adore all the gorgeous photos!!!


ryan said...

All gorgeous photos, I'm in love with NYC right now so of course the couple kissing in the cab is my fav!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

Just what I needed, a fabulous post to start out a hectic week! Love, love, LOVE the visuals. Emma Watson is so gorgeous with that new 'do.

Poppies and Sunshine said...

This post is pure beautiful! Wonderful job, Julie!

Diana Mieczan said...

What a beautiful post and I adore those photos:) Thanks so much and have a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

Wonderful guest post... beautiful photos! xo

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

You always show us lovely images, Julie, and you did a fab job for the lovely Dawn! Love the first photo and the one of the couple in the taxi the best, I think! Have a wonderful week!

Fashion Mom said...

very pretty pictures, I like your blog !x

rebecca said...

hey fellow manhattanite! love your blog. and love that taxi photo.

Rachel {little bits of lovely} said...

I love, love this beautiful post, filled with such lovely inspiration! xx

La Morena de la Copla said...