Tuesday, November 29, 2011

All Glammed Up


Good morning, lovelies! And happy Tuesday to you all! Hope the week is treating you well.

Well it seems that the season is finally upon us, isn't it? I've been pretty wrapped up with all of the planning, shopping and decorating the past few days, but now comes thoughts of all of the parties. I have quite a few to attend this year and now my mind is pretty occupied with thoughts of what's a girl to wear???

I'm not complaining though. It's really one of the most exciting parts of the season isn't it? I just love any excuse to get all glammed up. And I've already have a few ideas in mind for the all of the various events. Can't wait to pull out all of the stops!

How about you, loves? Do you all have holiday parties on the agenda? And have you started planning what to wear? Care to share? I'd love to hear. :)


Images: 1, 2, 3 All edited by The Alternative Wife



Barbara von Enger said...

Hello Miss Glamorous;-)
I agree it's the most exciting part of the season - so festive!
I'm sure you'll sparkle in those glitter heels;-)

Vanisha @ Vanisha's Life In...Australia said...

If there's anyone who knows how to get glammed up it's you!

Le said...

shoe envy !! lovely :) best le ps can't wait to see your looks - i find you rather inspirational

O said...

Love the 2nd photo, with the pearls and the mirror! Have a great day! xoxo

Collette Osuna said...

Hi sweets! Im totally planning on "glamming it up" every chance I get this Holiday!!! lol...sequins and gold glitter are definitely on my list:)

A Funky Little Fashion Blog

Rachel {little bits of lovely} said...

I love any chance to glam up and have a few parties to attend - leopard will definitely feature as well as black and gold xx

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will look beautiful all glammed up! I love a bit of glitter, sequins or sparkle for the holidays. A cute clutch... a statement necklace... sparkly nails or shimmering eyeshadow. (Not all together, of course)!! xo

The enchanted home said...

Love a little touch of sparkle, a few feathers never hurt anyone and there is no reason to not toally glam it up..also love "statement earrings" no other jewelry but a fabulous pair of "Wowser" earrings......have fun!

Julie and Lauren said...

You'll look gorgeous!! I love that feathered bustier. XO

Lindsey Regan Thorne @ be pretty said...

Beautiful Dawn! I know, I'm so excited for the glitzy parties and I have not a clue what to wear... and my first even is next Tuesday! I love the holidays too and the excuse to get over dressed!! :) xoxo

Martina said...

Hmmm, love these glam heels here - they would be fab with my little black dress! Apart from that i have a tartan ruffle dress i love to wear in rhis season - dressing up makes winter fun!

Anonymous said...

no parties to go to, thank God, hahaha. I call it one of the perks of living abroad ;-) I'm not much of a party girl.

But you go and have fun all dressed up!

Cara Kuhl said...

I was just thinking through this yesterday, my biggest question, how many times may one wear the same dress a season? With different accessories? It's a toughie. :)

Happy Tuesday~

Unknown said...

Yes, let the parties begin! First one is this Saturday night and I've got a sparkly new pair of Choos in which to dance the night away.

Next weekend is the big black tie. Excited for my new cream gown - need to find some great sparkling earrings.

Final party of the season is a little more laid back. Might just pull something from years past!

I'm sure you'll be the belle of the ball!
xoxo Elizabeth

Miss Aggie Kwong said...

feather and silver heels, sooo romantic and sexy

Follow me on:
Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion

Audrey Allure said...

Definitely love any excuse to dress up :) My party dresses are usually short & sweet & sometimes sparkly!

Unknown said...

I do not have one holiday party planned this year but loove the opportunity to put on a sequin or lacy dress, fabulous pumps, and dance!

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

I'm right there with you, mine begin tomorrow and I cannot wait!! So much fun!

Rowena @ rolala loves said...

Two parties on the calendar so far. I'm looking forward to pulling out some sparkle :)

Unknown said...

omg i LOVE holiday parties - i FINALLY get to wear all my glitz ive bought throughout the year!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Those shoes makes me swoon!! Happy Tuesday!!

Tiffany Kadani said...

So many parties! more than that there are also a lot of get togethers this year. Which means the clothing protocol is a little ambiguous and I hate that. Will definitely take the time to overdress. It's what I do best!

classiq said...

A few intimate parties for now, I love these the most. I like attending to parties in the first part of December, as Christmas approaches all I want to do is spend time with my family and dear ones. I'm sure you'll have fun at all those parties, Dawn! :)

Sandy a la Mode said...

love the sparkly shoes!!

Alexa said...

No parties. :( I wish...but I guess those days are on hold for me for a little while. I LOVE those shoes, so sparkly and fun!

B. in the Know said...

I do have a handful of parties coming up and they start this weekend - so I am trying to figure out what I want to wear. I just ordered a dress I will be wearing on Sunday that I am really excited about. I still need to figure out Saturday, though! It is so fun to get glammed up - I couldn't agree more!
Much love,

{The Perfect Palette} said...

LOVING these glam pretties...

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Hi Dawn darling ... yes, the invites are starting to drift in. Some are casual, cozy, drinks by the fire evenings which are lovely and don't require anything more fancy than cashmere leggings and a little sparkle and some are fancier and have to start giving it a little thought. Although the temps have been warm, I'm in that holiday mood and so excited for the season! xoxo

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
This Week: "Let It Snow"

Lin said...

I haven't started planning what to wear, I'm way to busy with other thigns ;) ♥

kristina@beancakes ★ said...

hi dawn! love these photos ~ especially the second one ~ you've always got gorgeous photos!! and yes, i'm so excited to get glam for some holiday parties coming up ~ i'm sure sparklies will be included in the ensembles!!
xo ~ ks

Curves Ahead lifestyle blogger said...

that is the best part of the holidays the outfit !!! and there's so much cute dresses everywhere have you noticed !!!
your going to excellent no matter what you wear !!!

Please follow my new blog of fashion, love,high heels

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

This is the part that I haven't though about, but REALLY need too!!! Whatever I get, its going to have lots and lots of sparkles, sequins, and pizazz! thats for sure. xo

BigAppleNosh said...

Drooool - love those shoes!

Elle Sees said...

Anything with sequins and/or glitter is in my mind, whether in small or large doses.

Joie de Viv said...

You really have my fave photo compilations Dawn! Love all these images. We only have a potluck we're holding and another casual party. I wish there were more places to get all dolled up for...

xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

annie said...

no holiday parties for now. something at the last minute as always!


Priscilla Joy said...

Oh am loving it as well.
Hope you are having a great week.

xx from NYC.... maybe we can meet for coffee.

Ali Rodriguez said...

Oooo! Must add feathers to my winter wardrobe! xoxo

A Casa da Vá said...

What a better reason to glam up... I already got fancy shoes, just need to find the right dress!

Warm wishes from FL,

Lonely Wife Project said...

Party season makes me gleeful!

little luxury list said...

Oh yes to a pair of sparkly shoes!

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Jessica said...

That vanity looks amazing. I love all things glamorous. All of my holiday plans are still up in the air. Life has been so busy.

Jess said...

Just bought a new Leifsdottir dress I plan to wear to a Christmas party in a few weeks... So excited!

About Last Weekend said...

Party coming up on Friday. I know I should wear what I already have but still that won't stop me going online and flicking through the dress sections!

honey my heart said...

glitter and gold are a party must for me ;) hooray for parties!

Unknown said...

Such a pretty post!

Ivana said...

These pictures are so beautiful and glamorous! I´m enchanted :)

xx Ivana

Stop by sometimes :)
Style in the City

Blonde hair, Blue jeans said...

nice pics to start the day with!

Unknown said...

I am a little worried about New Year's as I haven't decided on a dress. I was going to get a pair of tuxedo pants and a jacket and new blouse but now I'm feeling I want to wear a dress--luckily I have a new one in my line and I may have to snag the sample because the thought of going to the stores is something I can't even wrap my head around. Can't wait to see what you're going to wear Dawn!

xo Mary Jo

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Oh how I adore the holiday season. I haven't made any solid plans yet (I always end up deciding last minute, every single time! haha) but I do forsee some sequin skirts in my near future. Definitely glittery accessories and wristlets :) Should be a good one :)

Thanks for visiting my blog <3

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Wonderful pictures..just adore that first one, I do love feathers :)) I love glamming up any day, but Christmas always brings a little more sparkle when you dress up..and we should have that everyday really..Christmas gets so stressing with greediness and other stuff, it's nice to glam up and be around loved ones and enjoy the spirit of it all!! I hope you are having a great week so far doll, thank you for your kind words, I appreciate them!! xoxo

Lexi said...

These images are all so perfect ... and those shoes!
xx Lexi
FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings