Thursday, August 9, 2012

Everlasting Love

Good morning, loves!  And happy Thursday to you all.

I have to apologize in advance for the rather sappy post today.  Just feeling terribly romantic and lonely for my love.  We've been together for so long now...since we were wee babies it seems...that any time apart is usually a bit difficult.  And this trip seems particularly long because of the length and also the time difference making it difficult to communicate.

Remembering back to our teenage days, way before email or texting, when we used to send each other love letters.  We still have a huge box stuffed with our correspondence from way back when.  It was so romantic and everlasting.

Tonight as I sit home along missing J like crazy perhaps I'll open that box to reminisce a bit.  Although I'm pretty sure, 26 years later, that the longing to be together today is at least the same as back then, if not greater.  And I know I'm so incredibly lucky to feel this way and to have this love.  Still, to this day, my heart skips a beat whenever I see Js name in my inbox or hear Js ring on my phone.  It's quite silly really.  As if I'm a teenager in love.

Back then I remember all we wanted to do is run away and get married and spend forever together.  It seemed like an impossibility in those days but we were fortunate enough to make it a reality.  It's like I'm living this amazing dream and sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind myself that it's real.

So there you have it.  My outpouring of sappiness and love today.  Sorry if it was unbearable but you can't say I didn't warn you ;)

Hope you all have a day filled with lots of love!


Images: 1, 2, 3, 4 All images edited by The Alternative Wife



Bodil Loïs Huisman said...

Ah that's all so sweet! Sounds like a perfect romance :) I think it's a good thing you really miss eachother because nowadays that seems to be very rare.. Have a great week :).


fashionsensitive said...

This ia such a lovely post, Dawn! And you give me hope that amazing love is possible! My BF has left today for a boys adventure and he is coming tomorrow, so I will look for the letters myself tonight :*

lorenabr said...

I totally understand you :) My hubby and I have a huge box of love letters :) like you I feel everytime exited when I see my hubby's name on the phone :)
Your post is lovely :)

classiq said...

You are such a romantic at heart, Dawn! You two are lucky to have found each other. :)

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Romance is alive and well and to have it for so long is a wonderful thing away!!

Unknown said...

nothing beats TRUE love!!! - i'm down for any 'sappy' posts - i LOVE a true love story - (especially from elders, they melt my heart) xoxoxox

Bring Pretty Back said...

Dawn - you and I have a lot in common!!! I have been with V since we were 15 & 16- and he travels for work - usually for months at a time - it's hard - I feel the same way as you ~ still like a teenager in love!!! He just got home a few days ago and leaves Sunday again ... sniff sniff.
Have a pretty day!

Priscilla Joy said...

Oh so wonderful to have a love that great. Cherish it. xx

Veronica Yudina said...

Your blog is really awesome! Love it so much, dear!))
You have a new follower! Maybe we can follow each other?
I would be incredibly happy to see you in my blog!))

Unknown said...

Oh so sweet! My hubs was recently gone for 2 weeks which turned into 3 weeks & it just felt like forever. I hope your time apart passes quickly!

Alexa said...

Awww Dawn...this is how love should be. I love this sweet post and there certainly is nothing wrong with being lovesick. :)

Anonymous said...

Ohh Dawn! i love this post. I love those feelings as well and lovesick makes things passionate and special. I can't wait to meet j!!! xo

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet! And you are very lucky!!! xoxo

Beautifulosophy said...

Thx for sharing, I am just happy for you! It's a true bliss to have that marriage! Love Caroline

B. in the Know said...

Dawn I love how much you and J love each other - so so sweet! Happy for you!!
Much love,

April said...

I love the sappiness! I think its amazing that you're still together and still so in love! You should write him a love letter while hes away :)


Elle Sees said...

That's too sweet and so lucky!

Anonymous said...

It was the exact opposite of sappy-- I absolutely love the fact that you've been together for soo long!!! Too sweet!! And I really know what you mean-- despite the fact that I have been together with my love for MUCH less time than you with yours, the butterflies are still there, every time his name pops up on my phone. Sometimes, when its just that person, it's just that person. ya know?

SabinePsynopsis said...

Aahh Dawn, I'm convinced true love can never be sappy! And how incredibly romantic to send J a public declaration of love. You two are a wonderful couple. xoxo


i love to see people in love...truly inlove...your post makes me smile always.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I just nomitated you for a One Lovely Blog award. Check out my blog for details on how to spread the love ;)

bridechic said...

So nice to hear such a happy, sappy, beautiful love story like this one. You'll be in each other's arms soon

Rebecca said...

Awwww this is soooo lovely....thanks for sharing this moment!


Anonymous said...

I pin more images from your webpage then anywhere else. Always so pretty :)
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear your and J's love story. Sounds like it would be a great one!

Leslie said...

I love all this personal sappy stuff! I'm glad you appreciate, and don't take for granted, what you have. Too many couples do that and end up tanking. A solid relationship takes a lot of work .. so keep the fire going!


Ria said...

This is super sweet!

Danielle's Heartfelt Home said...

A love like yours and J's is rare. Cherish the romance : )

Danielle xo

Elly @ Caribbean Living said...

Aah, don't apologise Dawn, that's a lovely thing to read about. I've just got married myself and I hope we feel the same as you do in 26 years time!

honey my heart said...

i love that you still have the love letters between yourself and j. it's ok to be sappy, love is beautiful.

trishie said...

Oh this is such a sweet post! Stu and I also have a suitcase full of cards, gifts, letters, movie stubs from when we are dating.

bestie said...

i hung on to every word. love this post.

M.E said...

how sweet! :) My fiance' and I sometimes surprise each other with spontaneous love letters, I find it so romantic!

Have a lovely weekend!

A BRIT GREEK said...

Oh treacle, what a lovely deeply romantic and I love that you still the same way you did all those years ago... it sounds like you've had an amazing journey together and he sounds like a very special man!

I hope you have a super romantic time when he returns...

Have a brilliant weekend Dawn!

O said...

That is so sweet! xoxo

The Dainty Dolls House said...

No need to worry love, I'm the same way when my husband is gone. I don't like it for a second. Most people are thrilled to be on their own or go out with their friends, but I'm a mess when my husband has to go for work. He'll be actually going away on Sunday, but thankfully only for a night. But, I'll still be un-happy for it. We're best friends, so I'm sad when he goes. I send you a BIG big hug and lots of love & hope the time goes by quickly!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow. Amazing. You are one lucky girl. So happy that you have a love that is so special - and in my opinion, very rare. I'm glad that you appreciate it and cherish it. xo

Lindsey @ be pretty said...

I love your outpour of sappiness... so pretty and so well put. 26 years and still this in love - Dawn you and J are giving me something to look forward to! That's amazing! And it's even more special that you still get chills when receiving emails and phone calls... ahhhhh, so sweets! I can tell that y'all miss each other like crazy right now! Great post and beautiful pics! xx

Samantha Green said...

oh my goodness, i love this! aww, my heart is beating a little quicker now -- what an amazing love you have and what an inspiration that you have been in love for so long and still feel the same, strong feelings now. i can only hope i feel exactly the same for my love in 26 years time. oh, i really, really do hope so!! :) xx

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I LOVE love stories! :)

Lonely Wife Project said...

I love sappy and romantic!! Sometimes I go through the letters my Husband and I wrote to each other in high school and it brings back some of the best memories of my life.

MadeByHind said...

Very romantic, very nice post!