Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Seeking Serenity

 Good morning, loves.  Hope your week is off to a wonderful start.

Things have been a bit stressful here and I find myself thinking of ways to bring a sense of calm to my world.  Whenever I feel like this I always go back to the idea of painting and illustrating.  It's been a while since I've indulged in this luxury but I think that it's something I need to make room for in my life.

What do you do to ease stress?

Hope you all have a relaxing day. And I hope to be around soon to say hi :)


Images: 1, 2, 3 All images edited by The Alternative Wife



lorenabr said...

Stress is like breathing -always there!
Try a relaxing bath or a museum day.. can change your mood and relax your mind!

Beautifulosophy said...

Oh the stress, we never get away from it...being 40 and now experienced:) I know very early on when to stop or change and sort of stop the stress. It doesn´t always work but I now listen to it at least and recognize it, so it doesn´t go too far. Anyway, as the first commenter wrote, bath is my biggest savior, and changing your mind by doing something else is super. Maybe painting:) Or actually even if you don´t or can´t meditate properly, I find just taking some silent time and go inside really calms you down and you get closer to your intuition which in every case makes you feel better and that it isn´t that important or overwhelming, that I often feel when stressed out. And unplug, for a couple of hours. Have a great week Dawn hope you get around to have some painting time! xo Caroline

classiq said...

I think you should find time for illustration again. Artistic activities always have a relaxing and inspiring effect on me. xo

Angie said...

I find stress relief with painting as well...the hours seem to melt away when I let myself get lost in my artistic world. I just need to find more time to do this! Enjoy your Tuesday...

Samantha Green said...

i would love to see your paintings/illustrations if you get round to doing any :) i use creativity to ease stress as well. i definitely find that focusing my attention on something else helps more than a bath, where i would probably be over-thinking and end up even more stressed! haha but that's just me i guess :) xx

Anonymous said...

Painting sounds like a wonderful way to relax.

I think I was born with the right amount of innate carelessness so I don't really get stressed, at least not anymore. I think I just have that laid back attitude most of the time. I think I'm fairly good at prioritising and staying focused so there isn't much room for stress. Well, nothing that a good cup of latte can't solve ;-)

Unknown said...

i go for the bubbly or a day at the spa :o) .. drawing is a passion of mine too, i think i might break out my sketch book today!

Ann said...

I blog to relieve stress,
the pretty images make me feel happy.
Getting comments too is an upper.

Have a wonderful day,
and paint if you must
enjoy each project.

Leslie said...

Okay.. now we need to see your illustrations Dawn :) and a great way to manage stress. Although I'm no artist, I do enjoy decorating my home, reading, and getting to the gym is always the first thing I do when I need to decompress. Sounds like you're in the midst of one of those tough weeks.. been there many times.


Alexa said...

Mee too Dawn! I've been so overwhelmed lately it's unbelievable!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I had no clue you are an artist! Makes sense though!

I like to write. I've had a really rough last two weeks and oddly enough the only thing I wanted to do was write.

Anonymous said...

Having spa days at home - facial masks, doing my nails, etc - is always relaxing to me :)

Anonymous said...

That's actually one of my favorite ways to de-stress as well!! (that and organizing haha) but I always find that when you're able to create something, all you energy an focus goes into that, and you immediately let go of everything else.

B. in the Know said...

Oh my gosh - is there something in the air? I have been so stressed as of late, too. My go-to to help calm me down is yoga - and then applying the breathing to my every day life, helps me find a moment of serenity amongst a crazy day!
Much love,

Talia said...

Stress - ugh! Please share your illustrations. As one with no artistic talent, I love to be the audience for those who have been blessed.

I go for a run when stressed. Pounding the pavement gives me some sense of calm. Weird.

Plami said...

ahhh you always have the most beautiful and inspiring posts, dear <3



Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that you have been stressed!! Ugh I know how you feel!! Maybe you should try painting!!! No..not maybe..just do it! xoxoo

Unknown said...

Oh Stress is super annoying but always there.
As a runner I run or escape to Yoga every time am stressed about something . These two take my mind off everything else.
Great pictures too, I really like the painting.
Enjoy the rest of your week and make it a stress free one.

Unknown said...

To relieve stress, I like to shop, read and write. LOVE your shots, and you should DEFINITELY make time in your day for drawing and illustrating! We all need to spend more time doing the things that make us happy!
-Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

Rachel {little bits of lovely} said...

I always relieve stress by switching off my laptop and phone + curling up with a good book or magazine and escaping for a good hour or so. Always does the trick. Hope you get some time to de-stress Dawn xx

ijinku said...

What a beautiful room. Painting and drawing is a type of therapy for me sometimes. Have a great week!

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fashionsensitive said...

Me? Well, I have a small mannequin for my jewels and I create dresses for her (my mannequin is a her, of course :P). I had some silk fabric from my dress and last weekend I created a long princess dress for her :))))) So, Dawn, I think when you create something, there is no time for stress, it is just you and your creation ;) Have a lovely day!:*

The Dainty Dolls House said...

You should do it doll...we all need to release stress when we're not able to get away. I like painting or listening to music or watching an old film I love like Amelie. That helps or I soak in a warm bath and enjoy the silence :)) xox

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Would love To see Your illustrations! I usually read a book, watch mindless tv, workout, pray!