Good morning, loves! Happy Tuesday. Hope the week is treating you well.
So it seems like fall has decided to pay us a visit here in NYC. It was freezing yesterday. I actually had to pull out all of my layers, boots, tights and all for the first time this season. It was a total shock to the system. It could have to do with the fact that I was couped up under the blankets in my apartment for days and not accustomed to outdoor life. Or it could be that I'm still sick so I'm a bit sensitive to the cold. Or it could be the fact that it's just plain cold out. Can you say burrr? Oh well, at least fall is the best season to dress for, right? :)
How about you guys? What's the weather like in your part of the world?
Have a wonderful day, sweets!
Images: 1, 2, 3 All images edited by The Alternative Wife

I totally agree with you, fall is the best season to dress. Unfortunately I've catched a cold so I'm laying in bed all day. It's freezing here in Holland too.. Well, good excuse to buy some cute gloves and hats, right :)!
Yesterday I thought autumn was finally about to settle in, but I was wrong. We're having beautiful weather again. If it keeps it up fall is bound to become my favourite season soon. :)
it is 52 right now as I sit in my car waiting for my boss is to arrive! glad to hear you're on the mend! Stay bundled up!
here seems that a soft summer has turned back...but I don't know for how long! Yes, in the south of Switzerland (Tessin region) is often a Mediterranean weather. Can you believe it?! :-))
Enjoy your day!
Here is pretty cold in the morning, but in the afternoon we have some spring, so...who knows? But I think, Dawn, you feel the cold because you are a summer girl, just like me, so when the weather is under 20 degree Celsius, you take your layers out. At least, this is me :))) Hope your cold will finally go away :*
I'm really enjoying the finally cool weather! Broke out my comfy sweaters this weekend and finally wearing boots today too. Love the fall! :)
Fall truly is the best season for dress! Ok so I think I need to invest in a chunky sweater like the first photo. I can't figure out why I haven't yet? Love them :)
it is getting colder here too. i had to reach for my jumper dress and tights this morning! have a good day :) xx
Feeling cosier already. Is that last shot tomato soup? When I was in London all they had were adverts for tommie soup and that was all I craved! lol! I do prefer to make my own though.
It just got cooler today in Athens... whether it'll stay who knows, but a change is good!
I'm loving the cool Fall weather that finally came our way! I've enjoyed hot apple cider every day- one of my favorite treats.
Keep warm. Enjoy the fashion. xx
Our weather has been gorgeous! Clear and cool but we haven't had that chill that I know is right around the corner. The pacific northwest gets VERY dark in the winter :( I am not looking forward to that. Glad you are feeling better!
Our weather really seems to have done a 180 in a week but I'm happy to break out my fall apparel. Sorry to hear you got sick. Better be sure to bundle up again today. Have some lovely soup and then slip under some cozy covers when you get home.
Rowena @ rolala loves
Stay warm! Well the weather here is always the same but I'll be glad to get into the weather, even slightly chilly weather in November! I hope i can see you and Jeannine (Honey my heart!)
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Agreed! Fall is my favorite season to dress for, love! Here in Southern CA we have an extended Fall... Winter is not really a season here, more like Fall is the coldest weather we get!
XO Lucy
It was cold here yesterday but will be hot again in a few days. Boo. Loved your Instgram pic with your fashionable layers! :)
Blankets and chic coats? I want! But being sick? I'm so sorry. Feel better. Lots of warm herbal teas and hugs to you.
Out here in California it may be sunny but there's that def chill forming. Love the layering that goes with fall/winter from gloves to mufflers, knit caps and sweaters . . .
hey girl! happy tuesday! i wish the weather would make up it's mind here in new orleans. last week we were in the 60's, right now we're in the mid 70's and the temperature is suppose to go UP to the 80's for the rest of the week. hahaha i just changed out my closet, but find myself rummaging for lighterweight items. i think you're experiencing several things. stay bundled, because you don't want a relapse. hope you feel better soon :) have a great day.
Brrr, a cold definitely adds to feeling the freeze... but yes, it has turned chilly here, too. Time to get the coat out! xoxo
I hope you feel better. I've been on the go and bundled up all week, finally will grab a nice bowl of soup soon. Although, I'm excited to wear my gloves soon. xo
The cold is in full swing here, too - totally time to bundle up! Especially with the first of fall colds already hitting. Stay warm!!
Much love,
Today is the first day that has really felt like fall to me here in Seattle.. I forgot what the cold feels like! It's like a shock to the system, as you said. Trying to fight the natural inclination to immediately hibernate ;)
after a warm weekend, it's begun to feel like fall here, too! totally chilly, windy, and time for lots and lots of layers.
I hope you are feeling better, Dawn! I am going to the post office tomorrow...PROMISE! Everything is wrapped and ready to go! Yes, it's been a bit chilly here. I had to cuddle in front of the gas is so tough. xo
We are chilling here, but I must say it's nice to finally be able to play/experiment with layers. Summer just leaves so few options for styling! xo style, she wrote
Sounds like the temps dropped rather quickly. Stay warm my dear and hope you get better soon.
Over here the temperature is steadily dropping.At last!Stay warm dear and I hope your cold goes away completely...!
It's getting cold here too. In fact - I wore a fur coat out yesterday! LOVE your hair bun.
-Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:
My part of the world still hasn't changed... 30 degrees Celsius yesterday, 30 today and 30 forecasted for tomorrow.... hmmmm I would really like to feel some crisp autumn air now that I read your post but the only blankets I will cuddle into is to protect myself from the aircon whilst watching a movie ;) ;) ;)
Still waiting for our first fall day here in Florida! It was in the low eighties today which was nice for a change...
Hi Dawn,
Our weather over here has been unusually cold for October, so maybe it all over.
Hope you manage to wrap up warm and enjoy the rest of the week
Aaah, I'm so jealous Dawn! I haven't had an autumn for 3 years now, I so miss my boots and scarves and jumpers!
Love this time of year... however I'll take a steady 50 degrees... you can still bundle up with that! :) It's been in the 40's a few days this week in the mornings... eeekkkkk, this weather definitely makes me want to bundle up with a blankey on my sofa and watch reruns of the Kardashians! xoxo
Hi there!
I'm really enjoying your blog!
Layers are the only thing that will stave off the cold!
Love your blog!
xx Tasha
It's supposed to be summer here but I'm going shopping for some knits in a few hours!
I wish it was time to get bundled over here!
Beautiful, beautiful fall <3
It's the last day yo join my giveaway and win a cool pair of sunglasses:
In that part of UK where I live it`s about 10 degrees now. So layers layers layers nice warm blanket at home and the candles :) take care :)
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