Ok, so besides the fact that I am totally over those books, you know which books I'm talking about, right? Christian, Anastasia, Mr. Grey, Fifty Shades this, Fifty Shades that...
No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't really get into them. I read the first book which was alright I guess. Then I accidentally started reading the 3rd book but didn't realize that I was reading out of order until 1/3 of the way into the 3rd book. Then back to the 2nd and never really finished it. Bored, confused, whatever you may call it.
I honestly blame iBooks for the mess up. On my bookshelf all nice and pretty stood book #1 in the first position. Then book #3 was next on the shelf followed by book #2 which was marked as NEW. See why I was confused? Wouldn't you think the book in the 3rd position marked as NEW was the last book? Please agree with me. I'm trying to make myself feel better here. :)
In any case, putting all that confusion aside, I honestly found the whole series and premise of the books kinda boring. And I'm not really sure what that says about me...I choose not to dig too deep there....
How bout you guys? Are you a fan of grey? The books or otherwise?
Have a wonderful day, sweets and I'll see you all tomorrow :)

Love grey outfits these days too...
And regarding the book,
after finishing the first one
which I bought and read out of curiosity I never bothered to get the next books... not my thing maybe or I'm too afraid my 11 year old son would get hold of it and read it.
You pinned a lot of grey things, Dawn, and all are gorgeous! I have a problem, I need to get rid of brown and beige from my fall wardrobe (I do not know what was on my mind these last years) and replace such colors with grey and navy, great board to inspire myself ;) I do not know nothing about the books you are speaking, is this strange, should I feel ashamed ?:)))) Kisses
Agree with you a lot Dawn, I'm still on the first book and can't really bother to finish it, of course it depends on many other stuff, but it's not that I sooo making time to read it. Love everything grey otherwise:) and I'm obsessed with Diptyque! have a great week! xo Caroline
Lovely grey things here Dawn! Haven't read the book - only a snippet in a newspaper and thing it's more hype than quality ;) Have a lovely day!
It's not just you Dawn. I couldn't get into that series either. It's actually pretty badly written IMO. On the other hand I do love your Pinterest board dedicated to grey - my fave neutral :)
Enjoy the gorgeous weather this week Dawn!
Rowena @ rolala loves
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LOVE the color in all its many shades.
The books ... I read the first one because someone gave me the series for free on my Nook. The first book was so poorly written that I couldn't even attempt to get into the story, but I suffered through the whole thing and did not read the second two books. It was a decent *concept* - but wretchedly executed.
It started as Twilight fan fiction and it read like bad, unedited Twilight fan fiction with the names "Christian" and "Anastasia" find-and-replaced in for "Edward" and "Bella." This woman needed an editor SO badly - with some real work the book could have been well done. It was disappointing to me to waste an interesting idea like that!
i couldn't even finish the first book but the colour is a different matter altogether -- i love it! :) xx
The color? Absolutely loving the grays!! The books? I read all three. The first one was definitely the best and then it kind of slowed down for me. Took me awhile to get through the last book. Nice little summertime distraction though. However, I just finished Gone Girl last night and that book had me hooked from start to finish. If you're looking for a good one, I suggest this one! Way different from The Shades...
Seriously the book was terrible. I only read the first, I couldn't even convince myself to read the other two. Not at all pleased with the writing and the story just seemed kind of forced. Do love grey though! :)
HAHAHAHA Dawn! You are too funny girl! You're not the only one. A couple of my readers have complained about the series of books too. So I haven't purchased ANY of the books. HAHAHAHHA I am a fan of grey! I have a great knit sweater dress that has tiers of various shades of grey. I love it. Have a great day doll!
Love grey...tried shades of grey and stoppen after 80 pages..it's not just me then :). xoxo
I haven't had any interest in reading those books. I don't like to just 'jump on a bandwagon' because everyone else does. I watched a short piece on Oprah I think it was once and I have to say, if you have to go read a book to get excited to have sex with your husband and get creative in the bedroom which cannot do on your own, I think that is just sad.
Never read them :) I can remember when all the hype surrounding them started and I deliberately never got a copy. My friends were all addicted, I just can't see why though-its terribly written!!
Never read those books and wasn't interested.
But I'm fine with the colour grey in all shades. In fact I'm wearing grey now ;-)
The books? Ew. The colors? Fabulous!
I haven't read the books but I love grey! Black not so much, grey is just perfect.
def NOT the books - but the COLOR - it's my staple!
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Although I honestly think that the books are a total waste of money and paper, I adore the colour very much. I don't wear much black and grey works as a great alternative, which, in a way, often looks more classy, especially certain shades and colour combos.
Those books were so terrible weren't they! But them being Twilight Fan Fiction I mean seriously did we really expect them to be any good? I wish I had bought my set at Costco so I could have gotten a refund. Moving past all of that however I do love the color Grey (I mean I have a nephew named Greyson). These photos are wonderful!
I've never read the books, so I can't make any judgment calls there, but I do support your claim that iBooks was totally responsible for the mess up! ;) All blame is on them. The book aside, love these shades of grey as well. Such a soothing neutral when done right.
I just finished the last book, and found it excruciating. The first two were at least moderately entertaining with bad writing. The last, well, nothing happened.
As far as the actually color grey, I love it. Especially since we have been having some gloomy days around here lately. It feels appropriate.
i haven't read any of the books, but i do like gray! especially for the fall :)
I haven't read any of the books...don't feel bad! And I do love grey especially a grey sweater!! Something cozy about that for me anyway!
I'm refusing to even get into the whole 50 shades craze myself (c; But not when it comes to clothes or interiors...bring it on!!!
Ha! The reason for finding these books boring can only be that you are an intelligent being with a healthy attitude to sex and relationships (just sayin' :)
BUT sartorially I can NEVER get enough of grey!! xoxo
I'm with you on the gray thing. Loving it in my home, on my walls and in my closet. But, I haven't gotten around to reading the first book, that someone gave me. At this point, I feel like I "know" the story line and may just leave it at that.
xoxo Elizabeth
Hmm, never read the books, just too darn busy... but I do love the color grey! I keep wondering what all the hoopla is about with these books esp. when everyone says they don't like how it was written! lol...
I'm glad I am not the only one - I totally could not get into them either!
Much love,
You know what I think I'm the only person on the whole planet who hasn't read any of them!! It's good to know I'm not missing much, ha.
Totally agree re the colour grey though, am LOVING it in inteiror design right now especially.
Not a fan of fifty shades either though I have not read a single one! Love these pretty grey pics though.
Didn't read a single one and have no intention of doing so.
Oh, your pinterest board is gorgeous. L.O.V.E. it!
I read the 1st book last summer and i'm currently reading the 2nd one... i have pretty mixed feelings about the books let's just say that it's an easy summer beach read... on the other hand i absolutely adore your pinterest board, all those shades of grey are so inspiring :)
you know I loved em. :)
I really LOVE your blog!! such pretty pictures :)
Love, Paula
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