Hello loves. Thank you for all of your good wishes and kind words this past week. As you have probably heard Hurricane Sandy caused a tremendous damage here and really disrupted everything. The neighborhood where J & I live got hit very hard and were temporarily homeless with no electricity, heat, water, phones or means of communication.
We evacuated our apartment on Wednesday, a few days after the storm, and stayed at different places each night. All of the hotels rooms were sold out and there is a major gas shortage here and we only had 1/4 tank of gas so we couldn't get very far. It was the most terrifying and stressful experience ever.
But compared to the destruction it's caused to other people I'm one of the lucky ones. At least I had a home to come back to. My family, on the other hand, has been completely devastated. I have so many family members who have lost their homes and all of their belongings. They have taken a major hit and I don't know how long it will take them to recover. My father, my aunt, cousins who all have small babies and sister have all suffered tremendous loss. It's really incomprehensible and I can't really wrap my brain around it all. So many people are still struggling and the temperatures have dropped and we also have another major storm heading our way this Wednesday through Thursday. I pray it doesn't bring more damage but I can't imagine that it won't given the current disaster.
Thank you again to all who have reached out to check in. It really means so much to me. I apologize for not getting back immediately. Communication was very difficult but it means the world to me. Times like these really teach you a lesson. To never take anything for granted and to treasure everything you have in your life.
Hope you are all doing well and I look forward to getting back into the swing of things but it might take a while to get back to normal. My family is my first priority and connectivity is still iffy here so it's been a little tough.
Love to you all!
Image: 1 - Rachel Weisz by Greg Williams for Esquire UK - edited by The Alternative Wife

Dawn this hurts to read, I am so sorry for you and can only imagine how stressful it must have been, and also for your family. Take your time, take care and we will be here! Love Caroline
Really pleased all of you are ok...sad that family members have lost much, but grateful they are still with you. It does teach us so well, that things are to be used and people are to be treasured with these kinds of weather dramas. I couldn't bare the thought of having a loved one go in something like this. I send all of you my love and best wishes and I pray all of you will get recovered from this storm and be safe!! Love xoxo
Hi Dawn, such devasting news. This must be a traumatic experience, I feel bad for you family as well. Hope everyone gets back on there feet soon. alle the best, big hug & xoxo
I am sorry to hear this, Dawn, I remember me running from Rita hurricane, as I was in the US that summer and living in Louisiana. But, I had a home to come back, in Romania, how you said, I am very sorry to hear about your family that does not...
Oh Dawn, I am relieved to hear that you are safe, but my heart goes out to your family. I am sending good thoughts your way for things to get better soon. You are right, we must never take anything for granted. xo
I'm so glad to hear that you and J are okay Dawn. It's been a tough haul and a real reminder to never take anything for granted. I'm so sorry to hear about the devastation suffered by your family. I hope they hang in there and get help to recover somehow. We toughed it out downtown and even with power/water, we still don't have heat/hot water. Even so I know how fortunate I am.
Take care my dear and all my best to your family.
Rowena @ rolala loves
I hope I'm better late than never....I'm sooo thankful to know that you're warm, safe & sound now from Sandy's wrath....will always keep you guys in my prayers!!!
I was just going to email you and was wondering how you were doing! I can only imagine how your family feels. My parents' home suffered a little, but it is all bearable.
Take care love and if you are at all up for it, Jeanine and I would love to meet you in a few weeks!
Chic 'n Cheap Living
I am so glad you & your home are okay. We left Hoboken last Wednesday & we have yet to return. Like you, we are just grateful we can return home at some point. My heart & thoughts are with your family & others affected by Sandy. Stay strong!
I'm glad to hear you and your family are okay, but I can't imagine how devastating it must have been for you all. I hope everything will get better soon, take care and I wish you and your family all the best!!
I have chills. I'm praying for you and your sweet family. I'm so sorry.
Dear Dawn, I am so glad to hear you are alright. The most important thing is that you and your loved ones are safe. I can only imagine how it must feel to lose your home and belongings, so I'm wishing you all to be strong and hang in there. I am sure they will find the strength to recover somehow. Wishing you the best!
My sympathies, Dawn. We were hit very hard in Rockaway Beach, NY where I live. We still have our apt but have been without power, water, heat, car is totaled. In short, the entire neighborhood was devastated. I am having a hard time accepting this and to be honest my emotions have been very raw to say the least. I am trying to be grateful for the small things but the losses faced by everyone here and throughout the tri-state region has been overwhelming.
I have family in Breezy Point that lost their home from the fire that raged through there. And another friend in Howard Beach who lost their home, with all their belongings including their pets.
I truly hope you and your family recover and indeed I hope the whole region recovers sooner rather than later. Again, my sympathies for you and yours.
I can't imagine the devastation you and your family have gone through. You will all continue to be in my thoughts and I'm so glad you and J are ok.
I am glad you guys are fine. But I am sorry to hear about your family. My thoughts are with you all. I hope things get better soon. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
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So horrible Dawn, my heart goes our to your relatives - how bad to loose your home, especially this time of year. Am sending Love and blessings, and hope the next storm will not be this bad. xox
Thinking of you and your family Dawn.
Laura xo
Absolutely hate reading this. So awful to hear about how your loved ones have been affected, as so many have. At the end of the day, I hate myself a little for saying this because it's so cliche, but really- at the end of the day, and in situations like these, you really realize your priorities. People are all that matters. All the rest is just stuff, which can be replaced. I know it isn't that simple, but it reminds you where to place the importance. That your family is safe and unharmed is the greatest blessing. Sending support waves to all of you.
Dawn, we have been watching Sandy from the other side of the world & I knew you must have been hit hard because I checked in daily but no posts from you. What a terrible ordeal to go through & I'm so sorry for your family's loss. You are right we take so much for granted without appreciating the most basic things in life. I hope you & your family slowly but surely get your live's back on track.
OMG! I can't begin to imagine how terrifying it must have been.Watching it from the UK it's like watching any other news programme, BUT hearing from people who have been affected really hits home.
Sending you love from across the Atlantic xx
sending you prayers and thoughts. you will get through this.
I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family have been touched so badly by the hurricane but I'm happy to hear that you are doing well despite the tragedy.
I hope things will get back to normal as soon as possible xxx
I am so so sorry for you and your family and all other East coasters.
My deep heartfelt sorry and I will be sending you my prayers for comfort to those who have all gone through a loss and for the strength and power to quickly rise again.
Stay safe and strong dear.
You should not be worry about getting back and I believe we all totally feel you and understand.
Prayers from Greece.
I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and stay strong. Warm blessings to you...
I can't even believe the devastation that has gone on, I'm so sorry to hear about your family. Few things are as devastating as something like this, prayers heading your way. So glad to hear that everyone is safe and sound.
I am so sorry to hear what you and your family have been going through. My prayers are with you and all of the victims of this horrible storm. So glad you are safe. Stay strong!
Danielle xo
I am so glad you two are okay! I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live through that. Still sending love your way - and it is great having you back!
Much love,
Dawn.. this is just tragic. You {both} most be exhausted. It's going to be a long recovery. We've been through something similar and the experience will always linger in your heart. It's tough .. but you are resilient. Hang in there.
Such sad news to hear Dawn but I'm glad you're safe at least and it sounds like you're being strong. Hope things improve, thinking of you x
I'm sending another warm hug to you from this side of the Atlantic. Stay strong!
oh my goodness dawn, this is so sad and i'm so sorry for your family who have lost their homes and belongings. my thoughts are with you and i hope you are able to return to some sort of normality as soon as possible xx
I'm so saddened to hear that you've been affected by the storm, and sadder to hear about your family being displaced and having to figure everything out with little ones to care for. I have three children under three and can't fathom to think about the impact such a terrible loss would have on our family.
I am a true Jersey Girl, now living in Florida, so storms are nothing new to me, but I am still shocked at how much pain and grief this recent storm has caused many of my own dear friends and family in the area. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Dawn, and if there's anything we can do for you, please don't be shy to share links and ask for help right here on your blog.
What's lovely about this awesome community of bloggers is that we can be here for each other when it is needed the most. Much love and warmth to you and your family. May you be spared from more pain and loss as the East Coast braces for the next storm.
Glad you are doing fine. Hopefully everything goes to normal soon.
Dawn I am so sorry for all the pain and suffering you and you family is going through. My prayers are with you!
2012 Artists Series
Dawn, I am so sorry to hear about your family members. That is horrible! My prayers are with you and your family members. I'm glad you are ok and I hope things settle down soon.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this, can't believe this really happend! I'm sure everything will be okay.
Official Facebook Page
Oh dear you have been through so much! My best wishes to you and your family and everyone else...
Dawn I hope you and all of your family will be ok. Thank goodness you are all safe. These experiences can be so terrible and some times it is hard to find a positive aspeact in all of this.
Much love to you and your family.
Oh, Dawn, my heart goes out to you and your family. Such a traumatic time for all of you. Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and hoping you are able to get back to your home soon. Sending hugs and so wishing they alone could make it all better! ~xoSandy
SANDY M Illustration
I'm thrilled you're fine, but soooo sorry for your displacement. I hope things will get back to normalcy for you and your family soon. This has been such a tragic time. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs your way. XX
Temporarily homeless ...oh no doll! And I am so sorry to hear about your family. Stay strong doll and I am glad you all are alright.
I'm happy that you're physically okay and you don't have to start over. Best of luck with this next storm. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hello Dawn dear, I 'm so sorry to hear abouut this, but happy that you all are okay. Family is definitely priority, thanks for letting us know that you are okay. Prayers are with you and your family. -xx /Madison
Hi Dawn,
So sad to read your news, about you and your family.
It must have been so awful for you all.
do hope that life will be back to normal again, there for you all.
My thoughts and prayers continue for you all.
I cannot express how sorry I am for your family. I had a lot of damage once from two storms but was able to get things going pretty quickly. I still remember that feeling when you see your house flooded and upside down.
I will keep you in my prayers and will check back on you!
Best wishes my dear friend!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you during this awful time Dawn. It makes you realise how precious life really is, doesn't it? I'm so glad that your family are ok, but it must have been so devastating for them to lose everything. Sending my love + prayers xx
Wow, Dawn I had absolutely no idea the situation was so bad, I'm so sorry to read all this.
I hope you and your family all manage to get back to normality as soon as you can, and my thoughts are with you all.
Elly xo
I miss you Dawn, and send you and J and your family lots of love and strength to get through this! xoxo
Thinking of you, J and your families. Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help. Much love xoxox
I am so sorry to hear how stressful it has all been for you. It is good to hear that things are starting to look up. I hope that it just keeps getting better and better for you.
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
it hurts to read, Dawn. sending you love, love, love
I hope all is well.
Have a great week.
This has been a crazy, frustrating, tiring, emotional 2 weeks. Our home survived but we were without power for nearly 2 weeks and were playing the "go out and hunt down gas" game every night, as we were trying to keep a small generator running. We spent 2 nights with friends but my boys just wanted to sleep in their beds. So, even through the cold, we just hunkered down.
I am so very sorry to hear that your family was affected in such a devastating way. Please know that I am sending you a big, warm hug and prayers.
xoxo Elizabeth
Dawn - i'm finally on-line - i know ALL the pain and devastation ur going through - Joe's my lost her entire home too - GONE - he almost lost his life saving his family from the raging waters - it's a war zone - both my houses got some major damage but the worst of it all is that Joe's nephews lost 2 friends in the storm - NOTHING compares to that - i am just grateful to be alive as well as my friends and family - home will be rebuilt - it's the toughest thing out there and so hard to tell people that - but it can and will - the stories on my end are endless as i'm sure are yours - i wish you strength as you go through this as the days, months, and years to come!!!!
Dawn, I teared up reading this. What a horrible horrible thing. I had no idea how much you and your family were affected. I'm so sorry, but I am glad that you are safe! Sending big hugs and prayers of comfort and warmth to you and your family.
Hi Dawn, hope you are coping over there, xo
Oh, Dawn! My heart is breaking for you and your family right now. :( I pray that you will find comfort and joy in this terrible time. Thank God you are safe!! My deepest prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family today. We'll be here for you if you ever need anything!
just popping by to say hello and let you know i was thinking about you this afternoon. hope you and your family are doing ok? lots of love, sam xx
I've been thinking about you and J! Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I would love to see you soon after things get settled, which I hope is soon. y'all are in my thoughts!
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles I hope things improve real soon.
LOVE LOVE everything about this blog, and I could repin every pin you've got! :)
Jordan Holt
Dawn i am praying for you and your family!
Oh Dawn! Sending you lots of love and hoping all is a bit better by now. xxx
Sending prayers and thoughts your way! xoxoxo
hope things are improving...wow..sandy was so devastating.
sending prayers and well wishes.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday Dawn. xoxoxoxo
Hi Dawn,
Have been thinking of you and hope that things are improving there.
Sending hugs and well wishes
Hi sweetheart, I'm back in blogland after being gone for a few months and I'm so glad you've let us in on what it's been like. I can't even imagine. My heart goes out to you and am sending prayers for restoration from here on out. xx -Taj
Dearest Dawn,
I'm so sorry to read about your family. I hope that things are slowly improving and that you're feeling hopeful. My thoughts are with you. Warmest Wishes from Montreal, Isabelle
I've been on hiatus so I am just seeing this now but I am really thinking of your family and hoping that now a month later, things have started to look up again even in the smallest bit!
Wow, I just stumbled onto your blog via Explore, Dream, Discover and I read this entry. I hope everything is coming together for you and your family.
Been thinking of you and miss you dearly, blogger friend! I hope you and J are doing well and enjoying the holidays in the city! xoxo
miss you, dawn!
Hope things are better, warm wishes!
this woman is beautiful ;)
but i miss your posts!
nice to read that you are ok!
Hope you're ok, and your family. Love Caroline
Hope you're doing better. Thinking of you!
omgosh dawn...i hope all is well since the sandy disaster. hope you are able to have a happy holiday.
Hope you had a wonderful HOliday Season xx
Oh, wow, just getting around to reading this...how awful! I hope things are getting better for you and your family!!! Hugs!
Dawn-I hope things are getting better. Clearly you are not posting so I am sure things are still a bit hectic. Thinking about you and hoping you had a wonderful holiday season with your family. Happy New Year. xx, Naina
Come back... please! I miss you!
I also hope you are back soon, hope all is better and there is a silver lining?
hugs Z
Hi Dawn ... just thinking about you and hoping that everything is going okay ... so sorry your area was hit so hard with the hurricane. What is your status now regarding living arrangements? Sending hugs! xo ~S
SANDY M Illustration
Hey Dawn, I miss you. I hope everything is working out xoxox
I am so sorry to hear that you guys were hit hard by the hurricane. I am glad to hear that you and your family are okay. You really were so lucky to have a home to go back to. I hope everything else falls into place for you.
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I'm so sorry that you and your family suffer from the serious disaster. I hope you will receive much help to get through the difficult things.
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Thanks for the post.Really love it.
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