J left for Atlanta today. 2 nights alone and my heart's a little heavy already. I know I'm being a baby. Some people aren't nearly as lucky as we are. And could you even imagine after 24 years together I still hate being apart for even one night? I'm just grateful that this is a rare occurrence these days.
I can just see it now, my nights will be filled with lots of cleaning {I get maniacal about cleaning when I'm alone}, waiting for emails, texts or calls, hopefully a little shopping if I feel up to it {kinda coming down with a little cold or something}, and definitely a little something sweet to lift my spirits. Sweets always make things better, don't they?
Hope you all have a wonderful day! xoxo
Images - 1, 2, 3, 4
we're so alike Dawn. I wait for my hubby to go out of town so that i can clean clean clean...although i hate sleeping alone too!
Ahhhh, I think that's sweet. Go and buy yourself some yummy pastries and eat them in bed. That will make you feel better. :)
That is so sweet, Dawn! I hope that you feel better, there are lots of nasty head colds/allergies going around. Treat yourself to a little shopping and some sweets. xo
Oh they sure do honey, sending you a big hug.
xoxo DJ
A little chocolate treat always makes me feel better...I hope you will not get a cold...Make sure to drink a lot of tea with honey:)...If I would live closer we could go shopping together:)
Have a fantastic day:)
Ps: I am hosting a sweet GIVEAWAY later on today :) Hope you will join in :)!!!
oh, i'd love to own some sheer pink curtains! that all looks so scrumptious :) do go shopping - you definitely won't be lonely once you come back with some new friends, namely new shoes & new clothes! ♥
Wow, you have been together for 24 years?! That is amazing and so incredibly sweet that you miss each other when you're not together. Ahhh true love :)
You sound just like me! Right down to the sweets.
I am the same when my hubby is away and we have been together the same time;24 years.
It's wonderful we feel like that, but embrace having some time alone. Perhaps you can indulge your sweet tooth by actually making some comfort foods; it will keep you busy, keep your mind off missing hubby, and hit the sugar craving ;-)
Sending you hugs from Spain.
Aww that's so sweet! My husband is away a lot and don't get me wrong but I enjoy my time alone. 24 years! I want to know the story... have you written about it already?
Oh! I get manic cleaner too when I am alone ... and a little shopping and sweet to bring the spirits? Count me In! Have a Great Day Dawn! And if you feel alone, just come and call out the blogging world :) We are always here!!!
i'm ALL about the sweets!!! - and GO YOU and J for still loven' every moment together after 24 years! ..
I feel the same way about my beau!!! I know every feminist would hate me for saying this, but I just love my man and falling asleep with him! Have a fabulous day Dawn... also love that first pic with the beehive hairstyle! Love it!
Oh no, hope you rest well and it's not a cold! My significant other and I sometimes spend big chunks apart and it's hard - I also get some nice sweets and reorganize a LOT when that happens! :) (24 years is amazing!)
awwww what i do is keep busy when i'm away from my husband!! we're actually away quite often b/c i travel almost every other week for work!! and 24 years!?? wow, that is awesome!!
Aww that is so sweet.
Hope these 2 days go by quickly for you and you find something sweet to cheer you up!!
So so so sweet. I hope my husband and I are like that 20 years from now. I adore those photos. They are so romantic.
Aww, she'll be back soon! Yes, I'm a big fan of pick-me-up sweets! :)
sweets and shopping should do the trick (:
sorry you have to be away from your J. Soon you'll be in Hotlanta!!
sending you a hug :) she'll be back soon.
I can completely relate. I do all my cleaning on the nights my husband has class to distract myself from missing him.
You are so blessed to miss him still when he leaves. I truly understand. I have been with my hubby 24 years as well, together as a couple much longer. He works very long hours and I miss him while he is gone and we still start the day with a kiss and end the day the same way...we still hold hands and we still snuggle...I feel truly blessed as well. Hopefully your sweetie will return very soon!
hope you are doing well and enjoying the time by yourself... just think that in a few hours you will get on a plane a have a great weekend together
Aww, he's very lucky to have someone as sweet as you! Keep busy and enjoy some relaxation... love these pictures -- they're fantastic :)
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