Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Morning


Good morning, lovelies! And happy Monday to you! Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Ours was great but not quite long enough.  Started brainstorming about the decorating projects, went to a bachelorette party, spent time with family and then before I knew it, it was time to wake up this morning and head on out the door.

What did you all do this weekend?

Enjoy the day, sweets!


Images: 1, 2, 3 All images edited by The Alternative Wife



Taylor said...

I was sick. Bleh. I hate that. And seriously it needs to warm up - I want to wear an outfit like that, and not a sweater and slacks!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Have a wonderful day doll!! I know what you mean, it seemed to fly by and already be Monday. I could have slept in this morning!! Glad to hear you had a wonderful time though. I love decorating..I hope it all comes out as you'd like :) xox

Laura said...

This weekend was super slow for me but today is the first day of complete sunshine and therefore the best day in a long time! Happy Monday!

Katie*Belle said...

I know what you mean -- my weekend went way too quickly too! I hope today is the start of a wonderful week for you : )

Mrs. Pancakes said...

Happy Monday Dawn!

Lindsey @ be pretty said...

Weekends go by entirely way too fast! :( Blink of an eye, bam, back to Monday! Can't wait to hear and see all of your revamping decorating ideas! :) Hurry up and share! Happy Monday, suga! xo

Tiffany Kadani said...

Fun weekends always go by so quickly. Mine was one of the best I've had in a very long time.

Unknown said...

Yours was great and fun!
Mine was so short bcuz I was sick as usual!

Samantha Green said...

the weekends never seem quite long enough! i had a very uneventful but relaxing weekend, which was just what i needed :) have a great day xx

Anonymous said...

Happy new week, hope it's a good one!

Leslie said...

I know what you mean! It's never fun when that alarm goes off on Monday morning. Have fun with the re-model!


amy b.s. said...

why are the weekends just never long enough!

Alexa said...

They are always over TOO fast! Happy start to the week, Dawn!

B. in the Know said...

Oh how I wish we would have had one extra day this weekend, too. I explored a lot the cities this weekend and it was really fun, but now I am super tired. Guess today will have to be an extra coffee day!
Much love,

Sandy a la Mode said...

i am totally loving that outfit the girl is wearing!!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Happy new week, Dawn! I had lots of family things going on this weekend, a birthday party and more and before I knew it, the weekend was a weekend-that-was! At least the weather is warming up here this week .. back in the 70's and even 80's (phooey, it's raining for most of the week, though) .. after a very cold and chilly April. (March was a stunner, though!) Hope your week is filled with delights, sweets!

Sandy M ~ Ooh La Frou Frou

About Last Weekend said...

Driving in circles to kids soccer games and BBQ with friends - and a ball at Moma which was a real treat and a moving fashion parade

A BRIT GREEK said...

The weekend went too fast for me too, but it was lovely. I'm also on the same wavelength - all the pinterest action has got me thinking about sorting out my terrace and making it super pretty for all the al fresco lunches and dinners.

Have a great week and a fab MAY!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Love the outfit in the first image!

I had guests staying at my place for my hubby's birthday. We went wine tasting and all over the city. But now, back to the grind.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

my weekend was busy but way too short.

Anonymous said...

Ohh decorating brainstorming! very exciting. we finally started out redecoration process in the living room, just little design things here and there, no big furniture pieces, but feels good to have change. can't wait to hear about yours!

LyddieGal said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Love these photos!
Chic on the Cheap

Angela said...

It is indeed too short.

Test said...

have a fantastic week my dear!

Anonymous said...

I took some great photos - we had a fantastic, sunny weekend in Oslo!

KelleyJohnson07 said...

I enjoyed a LOVELY weekend away with my husband! It was a GREAT weekend! I hope yours didn't go by too fast!

Martina said...

I always wish double weekends! I love my work - but the days are so full, every one of them As an artist, i need time out to dream sometimes ... Have a nice and gentle start to your week!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

weekends go by so quickly!! Happy week Dawn! xo

Meta Musings said...

I'm loving the outfit in the first image...lots of yummy texture!

SabinePsynopsis said...

I think that sounds perfect! I spent the weekend working on my website... 'twas fun :)

Elle Sees said...

I went to the beach, and it was just what I needed

Priscilla Joy said...

Have a great week Dawn.
xx from Curacao

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Is the weekend really *ever* long enough??? (c: That's the problem with keeping them busy...then there isn't enough down time! Sounds like a good busy, though (c:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend. Mine was good too, my birthday party turned out to be great. Have a good week.

Chicago Chic said...

The first photo makes me want to be in New York, flagging down a cab in some super-chic clothes! :) This weekend I did a little shopping with the husband and I went to an Incubus concert with a girlfriend. Was fun but I didn't get enough rest either... :( Hope you had a great Monday!


honey my heart said...

sounds like a great weekend :) i spent it watching movies and playoff basketball. hope you enjoy the rangers game tonight.

Ali Rodriguez said...

My weekend was all relaxation! But it ended too soon! xo

Meisha.Style said...

i always want a picture with calling the cab. hehe. have a good week!

Unknown said...

I had a fun weekend this weekend. Lots (probably too much) wine on Friday night with bf and all of our friends and then a conference Saturday and then Sunday was me day - reading for hours and off to the movies :) Weekends are NEVER long enough :)

Anna xo

MadeByHind said...

I didnt do much! house work, sat by the pool on Saturday and went for a walk. The best thing was cooking big dinner on Sunday night :) next weekend I should do something more fun. oxox

Anonymous said...

You know you are getting old when you can't remember the weekend... hee hee. So glad you had a great weekend and yes, Mondays come way too fast. Here's to a great week. xo

oh yes... just remembered went to open houses. nothing great yet.

ECLECchic said...

Nice, nice, nice. hope you are having a good week, Dawn.

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