Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Good morning, lovelies!  And happy Wednesday to you!

I just recently realized how close the summer is and I can't contain my excitement!  I get to go to my beach house in 2 1/2 weeks from now!  How is that even possible?  I can't believe it.

Just dreaming today of all of the excitement that's in store.  Long, lazy beach days at the shore.  Nothing's better than that in my book.  The countdown officially begins now!

Have a wonderful day, sweets!


Images: 1, 3 & 5, 2, 4, 6 All images edited by The Alternative Wife



Anonymous said...

I hear you, Dawn! I can't wait for those amazing weekend sunbathing and enjoying my ice cream on the beach. Today this was the first day when I wore a sleeveless dress. Waiting for the summerrrrrrrrr! :*

Laura said...

Wow! In only 2 1/2 weeks you go to your beach house? Now I would be excited about that as well...I hope summer eventually meets us here in France because it's still so cold! I can't wait to spend August on the Southern French coast!

O said...

You have something really nice to look forward to! Which I had a summer house...xoxo

Mrs. Pancakes said...

The pictures totally sucked me in...can't wait

classiq said...

I was just thinking today how rapidly we're approaching summer. What a lovely, luminous face in these images! Have a beautiful day, Dawn! xo

bestie said...

plus beach hair and a little (emphasis on little) doesn't hurt either!!

Maria @ Orchard Bloom said...

beach house what!? It was flipping snowing in Toronto yesterday. I sure do miss the early Springs in NY and of course the close proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Now i'm getting nostalgic for the beaches of Delaware. Jeez!

Lindsey @ be pretty said...

Ohhh dreamy is right, sweets! :) How exciting... I can't believe it's that time of the year.. already!?! Can't wait to follow all of your fun this summer through instagram! :) xoxo

Tiffany Kadani said...

I get so jealous of your beach house stories! I am determined to have one of my own.

Samantha Green said...

can't wait to hear all about your beach house vacation -- it sounds amazing!!
i too am dreaming of summer and warmer weather :) xx

Alexis Grace said...

I am beyond excited for summer! We are hoping to move into a place right by the beach (as in steps from our door!) .... fingers crossed it works out!

Alexa said...

So excited for summer! :)

The Dainty Dolls House said...

I can't wait for summer. We are having some days of rain here and I'm already tired of it. Sun is what I need. I hope you have a marvelous day doll!! xox

Purdy said...

Beach House sums up what summers should be all about. Love the images. Can't wait Mr.Sun to shed some heat my way. Happy Wed.


Leslie said...

Vacationing in a beach house sounds perfect Dawn! What book are you taking? Many are reading "Fifty Shades of Gray" .. heard mixed things about it.

I love the feeling of sand. Growing up on the coast, it was always EVERYWHERE and I don't mind it a bit! Great for making our feet soft too!


Anonymous said...

is there anything called pre-beach-house-envy?
oh my, in just a few weeks you'll be killing us with all the wonderful beach house talk ;-)

B. in the Know said...

That is so exciting you will be back at the beach house so soon! Totally jealous - it sounded amazing last summer! It has started to warm up a bit here again and I am loving every bit of it!
Much love,

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oh super jealous, it has been pouring down here and summer looks really far away! I'm sure you will have the greatest time!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Summer is in full swing here- I can barely get my boys out of the pool.

Oh to Be a Muse said...

Dawn, how are you going to a beach house in 2 weeks? You have such luxuries! :)

I really can't wait for the summer (loving the spring though). I just want to be on vacation in a beach house or on a boat.

About Last Weekend said...

I could summer all year long. I envy you living in new York and being able to sit out in the evening. Here in Norcal its just a little too chilly....

when BABI speaks said...

sounds so exciting! I always love the beach! nice post dear! Have a wonderful day! :-)


Lana {lanalou style} said...

Ah that sounds lovely. We're going away to a little seaside town this weekend, can't wait!

Chicago Chic said...

I'm so excited for you!! It must be amazing to have a beach house to escape to. These photos are so fresh and dreamy. I wish I looked that amazing without makeup!! I must say also, your instagram happy hour pics always make me so, well, happy! :) I'm super into trying an Old-Fashioned now!! I love a good cocktail.


Jessica said...

Two and a half weeks will fly by. Oh how I wish I was getting away to spending a few days at the beach. It has been such a long time since I have spent any time lazying around a beach.

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Lonely Wife Project said...

I'm anxiously awaiting our May trip to Palm Springs! Lavender mojitos here I come!

Unknown said...

Beautiful post! Makes me yearn for summer here. San Francisco's been a bit confusing with the weather.

Envious of your beach days coming up! Please post pix :)

xo ~L

Danielle's Heartfelt Home said...

What a wonderful prospect! Always good to have something to look forward to. Sounds amazing!

Danielle xo

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Hi Dawn! Such beautiful pictures. I can't wait to go to the beach more this summer. So excited about that part of it getting to be 100+ degrees!
This is the first chance in quite a while I've been able to catch up with comments. I really hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

2 1/2 weeks until beach house time?!?!

I can't believe it! We better get our date planned before time gets ahead of us!!

Ali Rodriguez said...

Summer is so close I can almost touch it!! Such a cute girl in these pictures too :)

Tanvi said...

Simply gorgeous!

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design elements said...

beautiful! love the las photo



Unknown said...

Very nice, Dawn! I do hope you have a wonderful time and that the 2-1/2 weeks go quickly... And I cannot believe that are almost in May, wow, the year has flown bye...

A BRIT GREEK said...

I'm also one of those dreaming of an endless summer, dinner al fresco every night and balmy nights where you don't have to wear a jacket or a wrap... Plus your beach house... eeek, bet you cannot wait lady!

Also woke up this morning thinking 'Dawn should invent some kinda filler/collagen cream that works immediately to fill in those dreaded creases on one side of your face when you wake up'! lol!

We have awesome weather for the next 2 days, yay!

Noelle Chantal said...

Sounds perfect to me! Summer is nearing? You must be very excited! Have a great week! Great inspiring photos as always :)

Unknown said...

Oh what a beautiful life to lead! Countdown to going to the beach house is something that is high of my not yet living the dream just yet but can live vicariously through you. We're just hitting the cooler months in Australia but have had a beautiful summer so I cant complain!

Anna xo

Unknown said...

I too can't wait for summer...we're going to the summer house for a while next week annd I 'm so excited!

MadeByHind said...

Hey dear! lovely post, the photos made me close my eyes and feel myself there. I read this early morning and it gave me a great feeling to look forward for summer. I guess this weekend I will swim in the pool oxox

Elle Sees said...

I'm heading to the beach for just a day, but it's the right dose my mind and body need!