Good morning, loves! And happy Tuesday to you.
As all of you probably already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. And this is a topic that hits very close to home for me. My best friend lost her fight with breast cancer 3 1/2 years ago and watching a 37 year old woman fight and ultimately succumb to this disease and leave behind a 6 year old daughter is something that one can't really describe in words. All I can say is that it will forever change a person and I now have a personal mission to get the word out about what women can do about breast cancer.
For me, now that I've hit the big 4-0, it means that I have to get mammograms {it hurt for a second but not so bad, but it was definitely worth the peace of mind}. But for all of you youngins out there, don't ignore your breasts. If you notice something's up, don't panic and assume the worst but don't ignore it either. Early detection can save lives. Check out this video that talks about symptoms and what to do if you have any concerns.
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 All images edited by The Alternative Wife

I'm so sorry to hear about your bestie Dawn :( We've lost loved ones to breast cancer too, and even as a woman in my early twenties I am so careful about doing the self examinations.
I'm loving that pink armchair! I can see myself typing away on my pink VAIO whilst sitting in it!
Thank you for this post. I'm really sorry about your friend. Cancer is such a damn thing (bad, bad, bad..)
I'm so sorry to hear about your best friend... this is something that should never be ignored and I believe in this cause very strongly :)
It is super important!! Young girls need to be aware of their bodies and notice when something changes and seek help! Don't ignore. My Nana fought breast cancer and lost her breasts...eventually she past away from cancer. It's a horrible disease that takes so many & a lot of those simply didn't go and get checked due to their age or if they thought they had a lump and never went to have it checked, it's so important to do so!! Go with a friend if your nervous :) Have a wonderful day doll, I know your friend will be very proud of you for keeping her memory alive and spreading the awareness :))) <3 <3
Sorry about your friend and what a beautiful way to being awareness to your blog!!
My great granny got it and beat it at 80!! So it goes to show its never too early or late. I think I remember seeing the little girl in your wedding pics. I appreciate your memory of your friend and for helping to get the word out! Thank you.
Oooohhh my favorite color. So soft and pretty! XX
So true! I went to my first mammogram the other day and it was no way as awful as I feared - and gave me peace of mind. xoxo
ahh i'm so sorry to hear about your best friend. that must have been so hard.
i lost my auntie almost a year ago now, so it hits close to home with me too -- it is a horrible, horrible disease and definitely worth spreading the word, so thank you for the reminder xx
My heart hurts for you and your friend's daughter. Goodness. I can't even imagine.
Thanks for this. I can't remember the last time I did an exam.
It's really sad that so many of us know someone who's been affected by this devastating disease. I'm so sorry that your best friend lost her battle. A dear friend of mine also discovered she had it in her mid 30's and thankfully she is alright after a double mastectomy and chemo. As women we must be vigilant about awareness and early detection. Thank you for this reminder.
Rowena @ rolala loves
This is such a heavy subject, but all so real as almost everyone knows someone that has to deal with this. Sorry to hear you lost your friend...xoxo
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :(
Oh Dawn, I am so sorry about your friend. You're right, words cannot describe the loss. I'm so glad you're reminding us that there are so many ways to catch this cancer early and that has the potential to save lives!
I'm so sorry about your friend, Dawn. What a terrible loss. xxoo
I'm so sorry about your friend, Dawn. What a terrible loss. xxoo
Dawn, I'm SO sorry to hear about your friend. Thanks for sharing the awareness this month!
Wise comments Dawn! I am so sorry that you lost your friend. I too, have seen close family and a friend struggle with breast cancer. It really makes you count your blessings and open your eyes. Early detection is the key! We can do this! Thank you for your informative post and words of inspiration! : )
It is such a ravishing disease. I feel for that 6 year old little girl. It's heartbreaking to watch someone deteriorate like that. Many of my family members on my dad's side have succumbed to cancer. My grandmother passed two years ago from the disease. One of my neighbors passed away from it also. It took her quick. I felt for her daughter. My prayers are that they find a cure. There seems to be more and more cases each year. Gorgeous photos Dawn! I love that pink Chanel purse and those chairs. Would love to have! hahaha Have a great day doll!
So appreciate this post, dear Dawn. To hear about your friend and her young daughter is absolutely heart-wrenching-- I am truly so saddened for your loss. I love that you have channeled it into positive efforts by using your blog as a platform to spread the word about aware and preventative!
So sad isn't it.. I'm so sorry for your friend and her daughter. These events to change our lives forever.
I'm so sorry about your best friend. But you're right, it's important to get the word out and do everything you can to hopefully prevent something like this from happening.
Great post Dawn.
Indeed everyone should be encouraged to get checked.
Awareness is very important.
unfortunately i know this all first hand - i can not IMAGINE what you and your friends family must of went through and still going through *in my thoughts*
So horrible to loose a friend - and yes, our helth is worth every effort. Pink is beautiful, all the more when linked to a good cause!
So sorry for your best friend, and her daughter, that hurts. I can´t imagine it, having three young children myself. That´s why I also had the mammogram when I turned 40 a couple of months ago. (But seriously, do they really have to call you to mammogram exactly around your birthday, maybe wait a month or two, at least here in Sweden it´s like that:)I will def do the mammogram continuesly. It´s like you said, it´s worth the peace of mind or to detect it early. Love Caroline
i'm really glad that there is more awareness and support for breast cancer.
I love the pink Chanel handbag! Great posts for breast cancer awareness! xox, Pam
So sorry you lost your friend, I lost one of my Aunts to cancer and I am so aware even though I am young, it not about ages, it the information that help you prevent and act fast too.
Wonderful of you for doing this great post and sharing your loss, I sure know it is not easy.
I wish her little daughter all the best in life.
Have a great rest of the week dear.
Kisses from Greece
Oh, Dawn, I'm so so sorry to hear this about your best friend. :( I assume this is one of the loved ones that you lost that you referred to in the comment you made on my blog last week. I'm beyond sorry, sorry for her, sorry for her sweet daughter, sorry for the life she had to leave behind. Breaks my heart! Keep the positive outlook, doll and I'm glad that you've taken the pain from your loss to help encourage other women to get their tata's checkout like you did in this post... plus the imagery is pretty smashing! ps... did you ever find your 40th Chanel hand bag? xoxo
Sorry to hear about your friend!!
Beijos, Ana
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Oh Dawn I'm so sorry to hear about that, what a dreadful experience. You're so right about checking and being aware of the symptoms, thank you for posting the video will definitely give it a watch.
It's very important to take action about Breast Cancer Awareness, it actually saves lives! Early detection in this desease really makes the difference! I'm compromised during this October to help to create conscience...and happily I'm not alone!
Amazing pictures, as always!
My apologies for being a bit absent ... work, work, work ... ugh!
A big hug!
so jealous~ I want to be a new yorker~
Wow - that is intense. I can only imagine the impact. Thanks for sharing!
Much love,
So sorry for your loss Dawn...You are so right we need to be careful and spread the word...
that dress is gorgeous!
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I found your blog via the comments section of Vanisha's blog! I am your newest follower because your blog is so beautiful! From the words to the imagery.
Great post! Love your blog! So feminine and chic! Hugs from Cali! xx The Golden Girls
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