Good morning, loves! And happy mid-week to you all. Hope you're having a lovely week so far.
Today I'm dreaming of sleep. And lots of it. For some reason I haven't been getting quite enough of it lately. And when I do finally get to bed I'm not getting a solid night's sleep. Not sure what it is...a lot on my mind? the change of weather? Whatever it is, I'm hoping to nip this problem in the bud and get back to normalcy ASAP. And it doesn't help that my summer tan is fading because the bags under my eyes are quite noticeable. Yikes!
Thinking of trying a few new things. Reading, spritzing the bed with lavender pillow mist, a sleeping mask...Any other suggestions for me?
Have a wonderful day, sweets and hope you all get a restful night's sleep :)
Images: 1, 2, 3 all images edited by The Alternative Wife

Dawn, I think the reason is that you have a lot on your mind or at least these are the times when I can not sleep well. So, you just have to "clean" your head:P. But hey, it is a great time to try new things, does a girl need more? Go for it...and a cup of linden tea before sleep ;) Kisses
I have the same, it's probably a combination of weather, stress and just life :). O try to read (instead of watching tv) and spray lavander on my pillow xoxo
Yes, sleeping mask is the best! Seriously! The sleep gets better, deeper and more effective. Try it, but it may take some nights to get used to the mask. Then you won't think of it. Xo Caroline
That's unfortunate. I always drink a cup of chamomille tea before I go to sleep and I read a magazine before I go to sleep instead of watching tv. I hope you will have a good night rest soon :)
It's awful when you are sleep deprived or can't get a good night's sleep. Try doing something relaxing before going to bed, like reading, and drink a cup of tea with calming properties like chamomile or lemon balm. xo
Hit J up for a massage at night - I asked P for them all the time, now he just offers :) I hope you get back to your usual sleep patterns soon xoxox
Oh, been there. I don't sleep well. It really affects your health and how you function the next day. Have you tried Tylenol PM? It doesn't do anything for me but maybe it will help you. Garnier has a new eye roller with concealer. It is the best under eye concealer I have found and inexpensive - you just have to blend it in with your finger. xo
If you go on my blog and click on "nutrition" tab- you will be taken the website that changed my family's eating and sleeping habits! We sleep THROUGH the night- and wake up feeling amzing!
Lilac and Grey
this is really random but i can never sleep if i have cold feet! so, since the temperature dropped, i've been wearing cashmere socks in bed and i've been sleeping like a dream ever since :) xx
Hi Dawn,
This speaks to I can't seem to get in bed before 11, then have trouble falling asleep. Next thing I know my sons are coming in, saying "wake up!". Then, it's a mad dash. Lavender, warm bath, warm milk...I'm not sure, but I've got to try something to get some decent zzzzzzs!
xoxo Elizabeth
Agree!! Can never seem to get myself out of bed these days. I think it's because it's a lot darker in the mornings now :(
i'm the LAST person u wanna ask - i don't sleep - i use lavender tho ALLLLL the time - it does ease everything
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I've been having trouble too lately. :( I like the idea of lavender mist!
I drink a glass of milk before bed, didn't use to, mainly because I am pregnant haha
but I slept like a baby last night! It got really chilly, that kind where you are all warm and snug in bed and don't want to get up.
But I was really excited to dress for fall and pull out the boots!
Looks like you've got lots of ideas to try Dawn! I go in and out of periods where I don't sleep well.. we all do I think. Tea, milk, lavender, a massage, yoga.. I think the deep breathing helps.
lavender mist on pillow plus a cool soothing music works for me. try it too! :-)
Poor thing - me too! I read that computing/TV right before bed (which I always do!) is a bit too active and will try reading to wind down.
Chic 'n Cheap Living
Dawn, I've been experiencing the same thing too. I'm just not getting enough. And when I do get in bed, I'm constantly checking my phone (instagram, email, facebook etc) So I end up staying UP a lot later. I think I need t deplug at a set time, have a cup of chamomile tea and read a book. LOL That's all I can suggest! Oh also turning off the television. Relaxing music may be another one. Hope you get some rest soon.
Whole 30 has made my sleep feel much more restful! I'm not sure which thing I eliminated that did that, but it is nice :) It might be sugar? Just a guess though.
Read a little or a warm cup of milk normally help me to sleep...but when anything does not work... I get up and start to cook. Try it!
I can relate. Well not really, I never even got a summer tan lol I stay pretty light year round. But, sleep has become a luxury. I think I need to have my puppy sleep on the floor. But, she's so cute!
Xo Inna
You can try listening to classical music or only going to bed when you are truly tired.
keep the room super dark...i hear that works too.
Omg it's like you read my mind today. I woke up feeling so sSLEEEPYY, and could barely get out of bed! Maybe it's the middle of the week, or maybe it is the changing of the seasons. Anyhow, my cure for not being able to GET TO sleep is always melatonin. Miracle in my mind. Love that it's a totally naturally occurring chemical in your brain as well. Highly recommend.
Aah, I know the feeling... I swear on melatonin, it's wonderful. Also no alcohol in the evening helps a lot. Wishing you sweet dreams, Dawn! xoxo
I think it's the change in weather....I've been tired lately too!
Beautiful pics darling! Kiss
I think reading or the mist. If that doesn't work, try melatonin. I have a REALLY hard time getting to sleep/staying asleep and it has helped me SO MUCH!!
PS.. my summer tan faded before summer was even ovr :-/ xoxo
The Now Style Book
I've been exhausted lately myself. I've been so busy lately it has been late when I get in bed. Then I dream all of these strange dreams that keep my sleep from being restful. I'm just trying to hold on until the weekend when maybe I will be able to catch a few extra hours.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
You know what, I'm having exactly the same problem this week and it is driving me up the wall!!!
My usual never-fail solution is to go for a long run after work but even that is not helping me this time, crumbs...
Hope you fix it soon, a long bath always helps too!
Me too, I haven't been sleeping well lately and I really have to do something about it! Hope your sleep gets better...
A glass of red wine or hot tea always helps me settle down for the evening - hope you can get a little more sleep tonight!
Much love,
I drink a tall glass of milk if I find I have trouble sleeping. Worked for my as a child, still works now!
Sweet dreams to you!
i need more sleep, too! afternoon naps are my indulgence :)
I think it is definitely the weather that's causing the constant sleepiness as that's how I feel everyday since fall has come in! I think a great way to get a great night sleep is either count or meditate before sleeping would help a lot! Hope this helps :)
Awwww pink, soooo pretty, love these photos!
there is some reason I haven't been getting quite enough of it lately. And when I do finally get to bed I'm not getting a solid night's sleep. Not sure what it is...a lot on my mind? the change of weather?
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